All Ahead of the Curve articles – Page 4
Ahead of the curve: Unlocking new insights
Fundamental investment success involves developing a view on global trends and future market directions as well as identifying relevant investments that are aligned with this strategy. This second step of the process is long and labourious.
Ahead of the curve: Raising the bar on data privacy
Technology is central to how we live our everyday lives in the world today – it has enabled us to be more connected, more productive and more informed than ever before
Ahead of the curve: Time to tap multi-asset strategies
Volatility has returned to US equity markets, unnerving European institutional investors with significant exposure to American assets in their portfolios
Ahead of the curve: Hold faith in Chinese equities
Exposure to Chinese equities presents opportunities in both market beta and alpha
Ahead of the curve: MiFID II increases asset risk
Attempts to improve transparency of research costs have unintentionally hit performance
Ahead of the curve: Sporting a safety jacket in a market of weak protections
Funds that take on loans that have been rejected by banks are likely to be problematic for investors
Ahead of the Curve: The risk premium of downturns
Alternative risk premia strategies can be helpful for institutional investor portfolios through diversification and risk reduction
Ahead of the Curve: Trends to heed in renewables
Big data and predictive analytics are two developing trends that can dramatically improve how renewable energy investments are made
Ahead Of The Curve: Resurgence of private capital
The tenth anniversary of the global financial crisis is an apposite time to examine how it changed the world for investors
Ahead of the Curve: Return of the information edge
According to reports, global bond ETFs had their best quarter on record in the first quarter of 2017 with $44.5bn of inflows
Ahead of the Curve: Valuable tools for EMs
Emerging markets have smaller safety nets, making them prone to boom and bust cycles
Ahead of the Curve: Robots opening doors
The robotics and automation theme has been gaining a lot of attention recently for good reasons. There is an industrial revolution emerging across all industries as they realise that the new tools and applications being developed will be highly disruptive to existing business models. These new technologies cover everything from autonomous cars and delivery drones to surgical tools.
Ahead of the curve: An active view on active passive
Most active managers do fail to beat their indices. However, the key word here is ‘most’
Ahead of the Curve: Arch nemeses - value and growth
Value has outperformed growth over the long term, but over the past decade value has endured its longest and one of its weakest periods of relative performance on record
Ahead of the curve: Why bond covenants matter
For bond investors, who lack a shareholder vote, covenants are the G (or corporate governance) in ESG
Ahead of the Curve: Best strategies for crises
US equities are eight years into an equity bull market, which must end. Investors are asking how they can protect their equity allocations if and when a correction happens
Ahead of the Curve: Steeling Japan’s governance
While Japan’s boardroom governance may be improving in general terms, it is obvious that best practices have not always permeated every level of the corporate hierarchy
Ahead of the Curve: Beware banks
The universal desire to generate economic growth through capitalism lends itself naturally to the long-term nature of pension funds
Ahead of the Curve: The rise of the cloud corporates
Digitalisation has profound implications for how corporates do business. It affects the way goods or services are invented, produced, marketed and consumed
Ahead of the Curve: Oil as an economic barometer
As Donald Trump’s presidency faces its sternest political tests so far, markets have begun to temper some of their frothiness