Asset Allocation – Page 125
Special Report
Here comes the sun
Over the past couple of years, an increasing amount of attention has been paid to sustainability and alternative energy funds by media and investors alike. And typically, one of the components of alternative energy funds is solar power technology, also known as photovoltaics (PV). Many in the investment industry hold ...
Caught in the headlights
How has the sub-prime affair and resulting liquidity crisis affected the institutional investment management paradigm? Lynn Strongin Dodds reports
Capturing opportunities
George Inderst assesses the factors that will drive asset allocation this year
Batten down the hatches
The resilience of the European economy brought to the fore in January the question of whether the European Central Bank (ECB) would dare raise rates.
The unknown hedge fund fat tail
Victor Wong finds investors are beginning to appreciate the potential scale of losses from quantitative hedge fund strategies
Taking in the LDI marketplace
Lynn Strongin Dodds assesses the range of liability management strategies available to European pension funds
Swap indices driven by LDI
Nina Röhrbein looks at the growing area of swap indices and their application within liability strategies
Hedging for the cost of ice creams
Iain Morse describes the benefits and pitfalls involved in implementing a pooled liability fund strategy
The elusive small cap gold
Large cap stocks may be set to outperform small caps, but the best active managers will be able to find opportunities whatever the market environment, says Joseph Mariathasan
Looking for long-term solutions
Positioning a relatively new investment company is not always an easy feat when the world is stuffed full of boutiques and behemoths of all hues and everything in between.
Re-balancing the rate of risk
Iain Morse looks at how two pension funds, Henkel and PME, are addressing risk in management of liabilities
Looking at the year ahead for funds
IPE asked three pension services – in France, Italy and Romania – the same question: ‘What challenges and opportunities will you face in 2008?’ Here are their answers:
Spring cleaning your portfolios
Too many pension fund portfolios get cluttered up with unwanted exposures. Optimal rebalancing offers a way for asset owners to get back to strategic asset allocation weights in a highly cost-effective way. Andrew Capon and Sébastien Page explain how it works
Sofia Group gives region a voice
CEE pension associations formed an ad-hoc working group during an August 2006 meeting of pension representatives in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Diversifying asset management
Cultural, economic and political variations remain but Krystyna Krzyzak finds that investment styles are converging
Widening the investment universe
Bulgaria’s €365m Doverie welcomes the relaxation of regulations but says there’s still some way to go, finds Thomas Escritt
Coping with high inflation
Wages and economic growth fuel advances in the Baltic asset management industry, Krystyna Krzyzak reports
Watch out for the gorilla
What do CIOs think this year will hold? Pirkko Juntunen asks 11 of them
A new frontier in risk
Scott Donald has some advice on how should investors incorporate illiquidity into their thinking and outlines five strategies which could be applied
Keep a wary eye on politics
Stefano Pighini recently left Italian energy giant Ente Nazionale per l’energia Elettrica (Enel) where he had been head of Enel pensions funds from 2002-04. George Coats asked him about his career.