Asset Allocation – Page 35
AP6 outshines main buffer funds with 20.4% annual return
Smallest of Sweden’s pensions buffer funds says exposure to lockdown victims was low
Fixed Income, Rates, Currencies: Priming the pump
Although COVID-19 infection rates are falling across many regions, the ‘success’ is more a reflection of lockdown restrictions keeping opportunities for virus spread low.
Country Report
Surge in alternative strategies among Dutch pension funds
Dutch pension funds turn to alternative assets and ESG investing in the hunt for income
Ahead of the curve: Alternatives investing in a low-yielding world
Investors hoping to replicate bond-like returns (low to mid-single digit, low volatility and drawdown) are facing an unenviable predicament. How can they generate acceptable, positive returns without simultaneously suffering illiquidity, valuation uncertainty, gap risk, and other hard to quantify risks?
IPE Quest Expectations Indicator - March 2021
Vaccination figures are rising steadily, but are still at a relatively low level. The US and UK, both important vaccine producers, lead the field with the EU and Japan lagging. As the speed of vaccination has increased, supplies have become a problem, except in the UK. This has caused bad feelings in the EU to the point where a trade war was threatened. New vaccines are in the regulatory pipeline but market shares have largely already been divided in the developed countries. The discovery of new COVID-19 mutations and their resistance to vaccines are an additional risk.
Finland roundup: Varma cuts fossils; VER returns 4%; Elo 3.6%
Varma’s climate portfolio reaches 12.4% of €50.2bn total assets
AP7’s return falls to 4.4% in 2020, half the average on funds marketplace
Default option in Sweden’s premium pension system recovers from 7.2% first-half loss
Iceland’s Pension Fund of Commerce sees foreign weighting hit 43%
Country’s second largest pension fund reports double-digit return for second year running
European stimulus package arriving by snail mail, laments Veritas CIO
Varma CIO says investment market not reacting to vaccine delay, variations
300 Club calls for ‘safe space’ investment industry reform process
Permission must be granted to unlock change for the better in a complex, intermediated system
AP2: Value strategy hit 2020 return, but makes long-term sense
Swedish national pension fund posts 3.5% return — less than half of its long-term average
Velliv invests $550m in Nordea’s ESG emerging markets debt strategy
CIO of Danish pension fund praises asset manager’s thorough ESG risk analysis process
Norway’s SWF has half the outperformance of peers, government told
Oil fund has far lower investment costs than other large pension funds, report shows, according to CEM Benchmarking
Norway enlists experts to probe climate opportunities for SWF
More knowledge needed on how the green transition will affect oil fund, says Finance Minister
AMF says 2020 strengthened the case for RE, alternatives
Swedish pension fund reined in equity exposure on signs of Spring turmoil, says CIO
AP1 external manager chief: ‘I’d be very hesitant to rely just on Zoom’
Swedish buffer fund wants managers to do own ESG analysis – not use third-party providers
Asset Class Reports
Hedge funds and distressed debt: Competition for assets will be fierce
Hedge funds will have to compete with private equity and credit funds for distressed opportunities following the pandemic
Asset Class Reports
Value equities: Dead or alive?
Today’s realities and intangibles have changed the face of value