All Asset Class Reports articles – Page 31

  • Asset Class Reports

    A new taxonomy

    March 2009 (Magazine)

    Market dislocation and unpredictable government interventions have re-ordered the natural environment of credit. Joseph Mariathasan asks if the old taxonomies are still fit for purpose

  • Asset Class Reports

    Dazed and confused

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    The causes and impact of the convulsions that have rocked the bond market for the last couple of years will be the subject of doctoral theses for generations to come. Joseph Mariathasan sketches out a first draft

  • Lessons from the Great  Depression
    Asset Class Reports

    Lessons from the Great Depression

    January 2009 (Magazine)

    Navigating the smaller end of the equity markets is particularly hazardous and Joseph Mariathasan assesses whether the past can offer a compass

  • Asset Class Reports

    Packaging illiquid assets

    February 2008 (Magazine)

    Michael Wode and Stewart Bent consider the practical implications of the side arrangements fund managers employ in dealing with illiquid assets

  • Asset Class Reports

    Those twin deficits

    December 2004 (Magazine)

    So the US has the same president for the next four years, and it seems to be a case of ‘better the devil you know’, as far as bond and currency market participants are concerned. For Bruno Crastes, head of global fixed income at Credit Agricole Asset Management (CAAM), bond ...