All Avida articles
People moves: PBU chairman exits; Aegon hires ESG chief
PBU, Industriens, ATP, FPK, DNB, Deutsche Aktuarvereinigung, Aegon Asset Management, AMX, Avida, Schroders, Aon, Gresham House, INSPIRE, Fidante Partners
People moves: Sweden’s AMF appoints new investment boss [updated]
AMF, Unilever, AXA IM, Investment Association, Schroders, Aviva, Ortec Finance, Newton, BBSA, SNS Reaal
People moves: CalPERS CIO to exit; Beckers joins Avida
CalPERS, Avida, PLSA, Generali, Hymans Robertson, XPS Pensions Group, KPMG, Lombard Odier IM, Credit Suisse AM
Wednesday people roundup [updated]
APG, Belgacom, BP Pension Trustees, Avida International, Horeca, MN, Société Générale Securities Services, UBS Global Asset Management
Bridgeland joins Avida to help expand footprint in UK pensions
Former head of BP Pension Trustees says UK has much to learn from Dutch system