All articles by Barbara Ottawa – Page 103
CEIOPS to study IORP interpretations
[17:01 CEST 15-06] EUROPE – The Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) is investigating how many interpretations of the European Unions' IORP directive are likely to emerge.
BP seeks new CIO
[17:00 CEST 15-06] UK – Colin Maltby is stepping down as head of investments of the BP Pension fund.
Bosch chooses actuary
[16:56 CEST 15-06] GERMANY – White goods producer Bosch has chosen BodeHewitt as its pensions actuary for the company from 2008.
AP1 head Sandeberg to retire
[11:58 CEST 15-06] SWEDEN – William af Sandeberg is stepping down as chief executive of the largest Swedish buffer fund AP1.
Countries to disclose pension liabilities
[16:44 CEST 14-06] EUROPE – Pension liabilities of EU governments could soon be disclosed in a supplementary table of the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA).
Contribution cap set for NPSS
[16:43 CEST 14-06] UK – A maximum of £3,600 (€5331) can be contributed by to the UK's National Pension Savings Scheme (NPSS) bu an individual annually once launched in 2012, the government has announced today.
Zürich outsources pensions
[16:39 CEST 14-06] SWITZERLAND – The pension scheme for the government staff in the Swiss canton Zürich will become a separate entity.
Employer-guaranteed schemes decline hailed by Netspar
[12:58 CEST 14-06] GLOBAL – As fewer corporate sponsors guarantee pensions, employees are becoming less dependent and conflict of interest is reduced, Lans Bovenberg, director at the Dutch pension research institute Netspar, has suggested.
Schroders named as Shetland manager
[12:57 CEST 14-06] UK – The Shetland Islands Council has named Schroders as the manager awarded a £20m (€29.6m) UK property mandate.
Kosovo fund finds new head
[16:44 CEST 13-06] KOSOVO – The €241m Kosovan Savings Pension Trust (KSPT) has appointed Adrian Zalli as its new managing director.
EU warns Italy TFR impact overestimated
[16:44 CEST 13-06] ITALY – Assets flowing into the newly-created INPS social security institute fund might not bring the expected relief to Italy's tight budget deficit situation, the European Commission has warned.
PPF to create transition panel
[16:43 CEST 13-06] UK – The roughly £800m (€1.2bn) Pension Protection Fund (PPF) wants to recruit several managers for transition of pension assets.
Oil alone not enough to support ageing Norway, IMF warns
[16:53 CEST 12-06] NORWAY – Reforming early retirement provisions is one of the most pressing issues to ensure a sustainable pension system in the future, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has told the Norwegian government.
Swiss pension cuts postponed
[16:52 CEST 12-06] SWITZERLAND – The second chamber of the Swiss parliament criticised its fellow parliamentarians for rushing a reform of the pension system.
Pension fund interest in private equity rises 26%
[16:51 CEST 12-06] EUROPE – Private equity firms in Europe raised a record sum of €112bn in 2006, an increase of 56.4% from the year before, and pension funds contributed more than ever to this growth.
Mercer seeks 30 consultants for pension risk group
[15:59 CEST 11/06] EUROPE – Mercer is pooling its accounting, funding and investment expertise in a European Financial Strategy Group (FSG) to advise corporate clients on pension fund risks.
Greek intervention bonds JP Morgan deal
[15:56 CEST 11/06] GREECE – JP Morgan and the four pension funds involved in the disputed bond deal have reached a buy-back agreement.
IPE QUEST: Lærernes in Japan search
[15:50 CEST 11/06] DENMARK – The DKK24.5bn (€3.3bn) Danish Teachers' Pension and Life (Lærernes Pension) is looking for a Japanese equities manager using IPE-QUEST.
IORP review will include solvency - McCreevy
[12:58 CEST 11/06] EUROPE – A review of the IORP directive starting next year will consider a solvency system for pension arrangements, Charlie McCreevy, EU commissioner for Internal Market and Services, told a conference on Friday.
Pension funds drive SRI boom in France
[13:15 CEST 08/06] FRANCE – Socially responsible investment (SRI) by institutions more than doubled in France last year.