All articles by Barbara Ottawa – Page 125
Former ABP chief Frijns to chair Kempen
NETHERLANDS - Merchant bank Kempen & Co. has appointed Jean Frijns, the former head of investments at ABP, as chairman of the supervisory board.
Dow Jones calls for style-pure hedge indices
GLOBAL – Institutional investors will be looking for stronger due diligence capabilities as more money is expected to flow into hedge funds, financial experts at a hedge fund industry panel hosted by Dow Jones Indexes agreed.
Capita wins new N. Ireland water scheme admin
UK – Capita Hartshead won a £250,000 (€371,000) contract by the Northern Ireland Water Service for the administration of a new pension scheme to be set up for next year.
BIS to recruit benefits manager
SWITZERLAND – The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), is looking for a new Compensation and Benefits Manager who will also have to “liaise with the Bank's actuaries for pension system evaluations and changes”, according to the job description.
Big Swiss funds closer to DC switch
SWITZERLAND – Two major Swiss pension funds, the Publica fund for federal workers and the SBB rail scheme, are now closer to switching to defined contribution.
Belgium set to tighten pension regulations
BELGIUM – The Belgian financial regulator says forthcoming regulations will provide tighter controls over pension funds.
KEVA, AlpInvest in Polish private equity move
POLAND – Finland’s KEVA and the Dutch pension fund-owned AlpInvest are among the institutional backers of a new Polish private equity fund.
AP7 hit by Amaranth hedge fund collapse
SWEDEN – Sweden’s SEK80bn (€8.7bn) Sjunde AP-fonden AP7 buffer fund is among investors who’ve lost out in the implosion of natural gas trading hedge fund Amaranth Advisors LLC.
EU’s Borrell considering MEPs’ fund director
LUXEMBURG – A decision about the appointment of Law Debenture pension trustee head Eddie Thomas as a specialist director at the MEPs’ pension fund is currently with the President of the European Parliament, Josep Borrell.
Swiss voters to decide on SNB pension cash
SWITZERLAND – Swiss voters will on Sunday decide whether over CHF1bn of the Swiss National Bank’s annual profits will be diverted to the Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance Fund (AHV/AVS). According to opinion polls, those opposed to the move have substantially gained on supporters of the initiative.
USS in central Europe real estate move
EUROPE – The £26bn (€38.5bn) Universities Superannuation Scheme, the pension fund for university staff, has made a move to increase it central European real estate holdings.
Lehman unveils LDI indices
GLOBAL – Global investment bank Lehman Brothers has announced the launch of two new swap indices which could help facilitate liability driven investing.
Sweden: pensions low on agenda post-election
SWEDEN - The election victory for the centre right alliance under Fredrik Reinfeldt will have no immediate implications for pension funds, say analysts and pension fund representatives.
MEPs facing pension fund “embezzlement” talk
EUROPE – Members of the European Parliament are facing suggestions that they might be embezzling their own pension fund.
Synesis taps Capita, seeks fixed income managers
UK – Synesis Life, the new pensions liability buyout firm, has appointed Capita Hartshead as third party administrator and said it is looking for one or more asset managers with a fixed-income focus.
PPF appoints three consultants for levy calculation
UK – The Pension Protection Fund has appointed Barrie and Hibbert Ltd, Moody’s KMV and Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) to provide analysis for levy calculations.
Swiss pension fund interest rate stays 2.5%
SWITZERLAND – The Swiss parliament has decided to leave the minimum interest rate for occupational pension funds at 2.5%.
SWIP wins rare AMF Pension mandate
SWEDEN – The SEK245bn (€26bn) Swedish fund AMF Pension has awarded a European small-cap mandate to Scottish Widows Investment Partnership worth approximately SEK150m.
ABP quant head Gupta joins UK’s Pearl Group
EUROPE – Pranay Gupta, head of global quantitative strategies - capital markets at ABP Investments, has become the latest figure from the Dutch pension giant to join the Pearl Group.
BNP Paribas creates global head of pensions
UK – BNP Paribas appointed Tony Osborn-Barker as global head of pensions. He joins from Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in London where he was head of investment services since 2000.