All articles by Barbara Ottawa – Page 5
Country Report
Asset Management: Fit for purpose
The globalisation of asset management means that Swiss managers have to broaden their product range and service different regulatory regimes
Swiss multi-employer schemes criticise regulator over risk proposals
Pension supervisor OAK wants to drill down into individual pension plans within collective arrangements
Germany unlikely to see new DC plans before 2020
Talks between employees and employers in Germany’s metal industry are ongoing but without commitment
Switzerland roundup: Government rejects expert view on interest rate
Also: Hans-Peter Wiedmer confirmed as new CEO of Bernische Pensionskasse
State pension liabilities pose biggest threat to Germany’s credit rating
German economist proposes €1trn sovereign wealth fund to cope with future first-pillar funding
German Longevity: Are the tables turning?
The rate of increase in life expectancy in Germany appears to be slowing down
Swiss fund to reassess private assets in strategy overhaul
Portfolio restructuring brings higher credit exposure and focus on risk categories
Compensate younger members for subsidising retirees: Swiss consultancy
Solidarity in Swiss second pillar system is a necessity but also a burden, conference hears
BVV doubles Pensionsfonds assets with SEB addition
Swedish bank outsources German defined benefit scheme in organisational overhaul
German churches back development bank’s $200m SME lending fund
Evangelische Bank co-invests alongside DEG in emerging market banks offering SME funding
Pension funds fear ‘Trojan horse’ in EU sustainability measures
Conference panellists wary of Commission’s sustainability agenda bringing additional regulation and costs
Switzerland to hold new referendum on financing for first-pillar system
AHV/AVS fund could run out of assets by 2030 if the Swiss government cannot pass reforms
Amended longevity tables may save providers up to 50bp in buffers
Slower increase in longevity after Heubeck fixes flaw
German first pillar reform ‘could prove difficult for ESG investors’
Rating agency Scope warns of increased intergenerational burden
Longevity data was flawed, admits German consultancy
Revision expected later this month expected to lower longevity increase and with it buffer requirements
Special Report
German Asset Management: A larger appetite for ESG
How German asset managers are taking up the cudgels as demand for ESG approaches continues to grow
Special Report
Spezialfonds: Assets approach €1.5trn
Securities Spezialfonds assets are approaching a €1.5trn high water mark
ESG roundup: Japan’s giant pension selects S&P for ESG indices
Also: BlackRock and Thomson Reuters launch inclusion and diversity index; German association publishes ESG glossary
Some Swiss Pensionskassen reject ESG citing costs, lack of detail
Complementa risk survey reflects increase in sustainable investments, but concerns abound
Germany proposes relief for providers over €60bn enforced reserves
Amendments to Zinszusatzreserve calculations for insurers, Pensionskassen and Pensionsfonds