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Book Review
The importance of board decisions in an uncertain world
In the foreword to this new book, the CIO of CERN Pension Fund, Dr Elena Manola-Bonthond, says that, in her experience, investment alpha is scarce and very often difficult to access. It can be costly and its persistence is sometimes questionable. But there are other types of alpha that are more accessible and governance alpha is definitely one of them.
Book Review
Book review: The Financial Markets of Ancient Egypt – Risk and Return
“If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us. But passion and party blind our eyes.”
Book Review
Books: Financial crises and the failure of risk measures
This is a great book for anybody who would like to understand the causes and dynamics of financial crises. The author delivers deep insights into systemic financial risks for our economies, and why risk management tools and regulations fail when it matters most. The text is written in conversational style, full of anecdotes, wisdoms and polemics, which makes reading a pleasure even for the non-expert. To be recommended not only for risk managers but also for investment directors and trustees.
Book Review
Books: How liquid are liquid assets?
Amin Rajan speaks to Pascal Blanqué about his latest book
Book Review
Books – Demographics Unravelled: A broad and granular understanding of demographics
Amlan Roy’s contention in his new book Demographics Unravelled is that a wider and more holistic approach to demographics is necessary. An academic by background and a long-standing former head of global demographics and pensions research at Credit Suisse, Roy’s choice of focus in his book underlines his views.
Book Review
Books: How a small island helped shape modern China’s world view
The Gate to China: A New History of the People’s Republic & Hong Kong by Michael Sheridan, HarperCollins, 2021
Book Review
Books: COVID: The first 10 weeks
Ten Weeks into COVID-19: Psyche, Money and Narratives: An interpretation of the crisis, Pascal Blanqué, Economica, 2021
Book Review
Book review: Shooting for the moon
Mariana Mazzucato calls on us to reformulate capitalism itself, and to return to the ‘Big Government’ rejected by the baby-boomer generation
Book Review
Books: It all boils down to the three Ds
Paul Marshall’s pocket guide to fund management covers multiple subjects, each of which really deserves its own book. Nonetheless, he writes well, and has produced a diverse and entertaining work.
Book Review
Book review: Radical Uncertainty by John Kay and Mervyn King
Within the terms of their own analysis, the authors of Radical Uncertainty might be remembered for a prescience they could neither possess nor aspire to
Book Review
Book review: The Signs Were There - Spilling the saucerful of secrets
Tim Steer’s romp through the world of dodgy accounting practices and share price debacles is beyond shocking. He brings together his forensic examinations of publicly quoted companies’ accounts, and demonstrates clearly that “the signs were (indeed) there” in a way that induces reader incredulity.
Book Review
Book review: Only the Best Will Do
Peter Seilern, the founder of Seilern Investment Management, has a reputation for investing in ‘quality growth companies.’ In reading his credo ‘Only the Best Will Do,’ you realise this career-long passion reaches almost religious dedication. Never mention ‘value investing’ in his presence.
Book Review
Book review: Achieving Investment Excellence
Fix asset allocation and the numbers will follow. This rule of thumb originated from an influential study published in 1986, which showed that 93.6% of variations in a portfolio’s returns are due to asset allocation policy.
Book Review
Book review: The Rise of the Working-Class Shareholder
David Webber is well placed to rehearse the legal and political arguments around public pension funds’ power to change companies
Book Review
Book Review: Pension lessons from abroad
Pensions as an area of public policy are uniquely steeped in peculiarities. National social-political traditions, labour market practice, and tax legislation are just a few of these
Book Review
Book Review: The Future of Pension Management
Where others might lose themselves in a discussion on organisational design, regulation or social policy, Keith Ambachtsheer’s book wastes no time in placing pension funds at the heart of capitalism
Book Review
Book Review: An energy supply for life
Joseph Mariathasan reviews Wade Allison’s Nuclear is for Life: A Cultural Revolution
Book Review
Book review: Ambachtsheer's 'The Future of Pension Management'
IPE editor Liam Kennedy reviews Keith Ambachtsheer’s latest book on the pensions industry
Book Review
Book Review: Exploding the fairy tale
Essays in Positive Investment Management, Pascal Blanqué,