All articles by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo – Page 19
Special Report
Neuroscience: The revenge of the ‘gut feeling’
John Coates discusses the insights provided by his research on how physiology – not rational thought or psychological traits – makes humans excellent risk takers
Do not expect a tech-driven revolution
Despite the amount of academic research, the theoretical concepts underpinning portfolio management remain the same
Special Report
Active Management: The best of both worlds?
Will applying systematic techniques to traditional discretionary active processes lead to better outcomes for investors?
Italy considers unwinding ‘Fornero’ law’s state pension age rise
Pension age changes would mean ‘irresponsible’ rise in national expenditure, warns economist
Monetary policy: Too much of a good thing
The ongoing economic expansion is set to become the longest in the post-war era, at least for the US. The debate about the pros and cons of zero rates and quantitative easing continues
Asset Class Reports
Hedge funds: No longer out of reach
Hedge funds have become more investor-friendly since the global financial crisis but there is still room for improvement
On the Record: Are you a hedge fund investor?
Merseyside Pension Fund, Stapi Lífeyrissjóður Iceland and Fondo Pensioni BNL BNP Paribas Italy on investing in hedge funds
How we run our money: Ericsson Pension Foundation
Christer Franzén , CIO of the Ericsson Pension Foundation, talks about the fund’s capital-preservation philosophy
Unconventional monetary policy needs to end soon
Growth in the euro-zone is back on track, unemployment has fallen and the economy is generally in better shape than before the crisis. The only missing element in the recovery is inflation
How we run our money: FRR
Olivier Rousseau, member of the executive board of Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites, talks about regulation, ESG and his vision for the markets
This time is not different
The financial markets continue on their remarkable bull run despite facing many threats
Special Report
Valuations: No time for complacency
Managing credit portfolios requires particular caution owing to stretched valuations and late-cycle euphoria
Asset Class Reports
Emerging Market Equities: Heading for catch up
Emerging market equities have enjoyed a good year so far but are investors too late to enter the market?
Lobby group plans campaign to cut barriers to cross-border funds
Francesco Briganti steps up efforts to promote pan-European pensions with new venture
Heed the warning signs
The private equity market is showing clear signals that it is reaching the end of a multi-year growth cycle. Yet, surveys show investors are intent to increase allocations
On the Record: What is your equity strategy?
Solidarietà Veneto, Pensioenfonds TNO and Nationwide Pension Fund share details about their equity exposure
How we run our money: HSBC UK Pension Scheme
Mark Thompson, CIO of HSBC’s UK pension scheme, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the scheme’s creative de-risking solutions and search for innovation in DC provision
On the Record: How important is a pension fund’s reputation?
Three pension funds – ÄVWL, Ilmarinen and Pensioenfonds PGB – talk about the importance of reputation and trust
Special Report
MNOPF: Trustees must focus on their responsibilities
Rory Murphy, chair of the trustee board of the UK’s MNOPF, says the success of fiduciary management depends equally on managers and trustees
Special Report
Univar: Staying in control
Appointing a fiduciary manager does not mean trustees will lose a grip on investment strategies, says Steve Smith, chairman of trustees of the Univar UK pension scheme