All articles by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo – Page 21
On the Record: Do you invest in real assets?
Three pension funds - CNPADC, KZVK-VKPB and Sampension - talk about their exposure to real assets
Country Report
Asset Allocation: Ticino maintains aim
Pierre Spocci, director of the Istituto di Previdenza del Cantone Ticino, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the pension fund’s stable strategy
How we run our money: NEST
Mark Fawcett, the CIO of NEST, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo what the future holds for the UK’s fast-growing defined contribution scheme
Special Report
Special Report Consultants: A testing time
The UK’s Financial Conduct Authority is assessing whether a lack of competition among pension consultants is hurting UK pension schemes
Fiduciary managers need more competition
The review of the UK’s asset management market by the FCA may or may not result in tighter regulation of investment advice. But the regulator would do well to continue focusing on investment consulting firms that offer fiduciary management services
On the Record: How do you get the best out of consultants?
Three pension funds - BNL BNP Paribas, Heidelberg Cement and Istituto di Previdenza del Cantone Ticino - share insights on working with consultants
On the Record: How do you deal with geopolitical risk?
Three pension funds - Industriens Pension, Migros Pensionskasse and SPMS – explain their approach to managing geopolitical risks
How we run our money: Carillion Pension Trustees
Robin Ellison, chairman of Carillion Pension Trustees, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the scheme’s approach to de-risking and regulation
Pension fund consolidation brings risk
Pension fund consolidation remains among the most significant trends in the UK and the Netherlands
Strategically speaking: Lyxor Asset Management
Fiduciary management is a potential solution to the problems of countless pension funds in Europe. Lyxor Asset Management is raising its efforts in this area
Country Report
Asset Allocation: Underprepared for change
Dutch pension schemes are grappling with challenges which may slow down much-needed asset allocation shifts
DC growing despite perceived drag of DB funding
Willis Towers Watson report paints positive outlook for defined contribution
Trio of Italian pension funds in €1.8bn merger
New fund will be country’s fifth largest by membership
Mandate roundup: Foncer, Epap, Enpapi, PKH, Nottinghamshire
Italian pension funds have issued searches for balanced and fixed income managers
Auto-enrolment helps increase Italian pension membership
Regulator Covip reveals double-digit growth in assets for some forms of provision
How we run our money: Compenswiss
Frank Juliano, head of asset management at Compenswiss, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo what lies ahead for Switzerland’s social security funds
On the Record: How will your equity exposure change this year?
Three pension funds - Amonis, Fondenergia and UMR Corem - talk about equity risk
Special Report
Sharing Alpha: A fair share of the rewards
Investors should discuss how they share alpha with asset managers. But it is easier said than done
Active should mean engaged
The turn of the year is a time for the asset management industry to discuss its views on how markets will fare in the year ahead. Unfortunately, too often these views are of little value to investors.
Italian regulators to scrutinise Intesa interest in Generali
Banking group Intesa and insurer Generali have fund management arms running a total of €700bn