All articles by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo – Page 26
Country Report
Asset Allocation: A hive of activity
Carlo Svaluto Moreolo reviews shifts in asset allocation in the Nordic institutional investment market
On the Record: Are you restructuring your fixed income allocation?
Three pension funds - ÄVWL, PP Pension and Sparinstitutens Pensionkassa - talk about their fixed income portflolios
Smart questions
There are plenty of interesting questions surrounding smart beta investment in an institutional context. First, does it work? Apparently it does, as academics find more and more evidence that it pays to have passive exposure to factors such as value, low volatility and small-caps.
Special Report
Spain: Low incentives to save threaten pensions sustainability
Spanish tax reforms lack measures to encourage pension savings by workers and contributions by employers, raising questions about the adequacy of future benefits
Special Report
Italy: Lack of long-term vision threatens to stifle growth
In giving more freedom to employees to make pension choices, lawmakers are in danger of slowing down the growth of Italy’s second pillar
Special Report
Portugal: Focus on sustainability
Reforming the country’s public pension system is an integral part of the government’s efforts to impose fiscal stability, as agreed in its bailout programme.
What can Europe do?
This year Italy will spend almost 15% of GDP on public pensions, higher than any other EU country, according to Eurostat
Country Report
Derisking: Unintended risks
Carlo Svaluto Moreolo asks whether UK trustees are taking the right approach to interest rate and inflation risk
Special Report
Switzerland: Huge challenge to pass pension reform package
The final draft of the first and second-pillar reform package has been published but it could prove impossible to get through parliament in its present form
Smart beta bonds: Not so fast
Carlo Svaluto Moreolo looks at the reasons behind the dearth of smart beta fixed-income products
On the Record: Do you employ smart beta strategies?
Three pension funds - FRR, NEST and USS - share their thoughts about smart beta strategies
IPE Views: Do we need to re-invent investment management?
Carlo Svaluto Moreolo explores a paper published by 300 Club founder Saker Nusseibeh arguing that investment managers need to re-assess the very foundations of their economic thinking
Swiss pension fund liabilities increase by 4% over first quarter
Pensionskassen liabilities grow as long-term interest rates fall, while returns come under pressure
Italian regulator questions merit of pension fund competition bill
One part of pensions market could ‘cannibalise’ rest, critics warn
Country Report
Regulation: Frustration paramount
Italy’s pension system is in the midst of a reform process that started 20 years ago
Country Report
Interview: Elsa Fornero - Easing Italy’s pain
Elsa Fornero explains how the pension reforms she introduced while in government brought Italy back from the brink of financial collapse
The political dimension of Italy's pensions
Pensions and politics are seldom friends. Politicians, more often than not, seek short-term policy impact; pension systems take time and patience to develop. This tension is unravelling in Italy
Country Report
Italy's Second-Pillar: Pension fund competition
A close look at Italian second-pillar pension funds reveals structural imbalances and growing risks. For the many employees without a supplementary pension it is hard to decide what to do
On the Record: Are you restructuring your emerging market allocation?
Three pension funds - Amonis, BNL BNP Paribas, and UMR Corem - talk about their exposure to emerging markets
How we run our money: ABB
Elisabeth Bourqui, head of group pensions at ABB, explains the Swiss multinational’s innovative approach to managing its 100 defined benefit pension plans