All articles by Carolyn Bandel – Page 41
SEB expands into alternatives with purchase
[13:00 CET 26-11] SWEDEN - Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) has announced it has reached an agreement to acquire 100% the shares in Key Asset Management (KAM) for and undisclosed sum.
Panel finds SRI guarantees good future returns
[16:35 CET 23-11] EUROPE – Adopting an environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach beyond a negative selection of companies in a portfolio should lead to better performance.
DAX blue-chip gets Pensionsfond approval
[16:30 CET 23-11] GERMANY – Munich-based mechanical engineering group Man AG has received regulatory approval for its Pensionsfond within its contractual trust agreement (CTA).
Lawyers question Walker silence on pensions
[16:30 CET 23-11] UK – The Walker review on private equity should look more closely at the role and involvement of the pensions industry in private equity, according to law firm LG.
Greece plans pension funds merger
[16:45 CET 22-1] GREECE – The Greek Ministry of Employment has announced pension reform proposals which will see 154 pension funds rolled into just 14, in a bid to improve the financial health of the system.
Optas' art deal 'morally contemptible' – Borgdorff
[16:45 CET 22-11] NETHERLANDS – Peter Borgdorff, exiting chairman of the Dutch VB, has labelled plans to use the surplus from the former Rotterdam harbour pension fund to subsidise art as “morally contemptible”.
McCreevy: Solvency II needs more work
[15:15 CET 22-11] EUROPE - Charlie McCreevy, the European commissioner for internal markets and services, believes further work is needed before EU member states can commit themselves to the Solvency II regime.
EFRP seeks regulatory slowdown
[16:00 CET 21-11] EUROPE – The directive on Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provisions (IORP) needs more time to deliver according to a new survey by the European Federation for Retirement Provision (EFRP).
Mercer plans catch up with Höfer merger (Updated)
[Updated at 15:10 CET 21-11] GERMANY - Mercer Germany's Frankfurt-based operation and German pension consultant Höfer Vorsorge-Management are discussing a possible merger.
Telent solution 'achievable', says PensCorp
[16:00 CET 20-11] UK – Pension buyout firm Pension Corporation expects a resolution with the UK's Pension Regulator (TPR) in its feud over Telent, following last week's unconditional offer for the telecoms firm.
Finish Solvency II in 2008 - Skinner
[13:00 CET 20-11] EUROPE - Peter Skinner, of the committee on economic and monetary affairs at the European Parliament, has warned the Solvency II project has to be finished by next year.
UK regulator's role extended - O'Brien
[12:00 CET 20-11] UK – Mike O'Brien, UK minister for pension reform, has said the role of the UK pension regulator (tPR) will be extended for the launch of the personal accounts pension scheme in 2012.
PPM chooses new SRI fund
[16:15 CET 19-11] SWEDEN - The SEK1.3bn (€140m) Swedish Premium Pension Authority (PPM) has appointed four new managers for its equity portfolio, and among them is State Street for a socially-responsible investment (SRI) mandate.
Overhyped pension buyout market falters – Aon
[16:15 CET 19-11] UK – Both the number of cases and the total value of business placed in the UK's pension buyout market have fallen in the third quarter of this year.
IPE Awards: 130/30 craze is "overplayed"
[15:45 CET 19-11] GLOBAL – The hype around long-short investment products, such as 130/30 strategies, is very much overplayed, delegates at the annual IPE Awards in Vienna were told.
IPE AWARDS: Politicians fail to understand pensions
[15:45 CET 16-11] EUROPE – Politicians lack the basic financial knowledge for meaningful dialogue with pension funds, delegates at an IPE seminar in Vienna heard.
IPE Awards: BNL fund to outsource real estate
[13:30 CET 16-11] ITALY – The €970m pension fund of the Italian Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) is looking to outsource the management of its real estate portfolio.
IPE Awards: Small schemes should focus on strategy
[16:30 CET 15-11] AUSTRIA – Small to medium-sized pension funds should focus more on their strategy, and less on portfolio management, the annual IPE Awards Seminar in Vienna was told today.
German pensions minister resigns
[14:45 CET 15-11] GERMANY – German minister of labour and vice chancellor Franz Müntefering has resigned.
Open architecture is the pensions future – Philip Neyt
[12:30 CET 15-11] BELGIUM – Philip Neyt, the head of the Belgian Pension Funds Association (BVPI-ABIP) and driving force behind Belgium legislative changes, foresees a future of open architecture pension funds and increased transnational cooperation.