All Country Reports articles – Page 5
Country Report
Multi-sector magnet
Since 2011, PGB has almost doubled its number of participants to 235,700 from pension funds from a diverse range of sectors
Country Report
Scotland’s LGPS: Don’t just dive in
Scottish local government pension funds looking to asset pool should carefully consider their options with a focus on their objectives
Country Report
Consolidation: A way out for failing smaller schemes?
Consolidation could provide economies of scale, wider investment opportunities and better governance for pension schemes
Country Report
Breaking all derisking records
Lower mortality assumptions and improved pension scheme solvency have created ideal conditions for derisking
Country Report
Carlo Cottarelli: “There’s no spending your way out of debt”
Carlo Cottarelli, Italy’s caretaker prime minister during the recent political crisis, explains why the new Italian government should avoid overspending on pensions and other key budget items
Country Report
Fondo Pensione Byblos: Byblos writes a new chapter
A sector fund making bold moves in alternative investment funds
Country Report
Italy's public pensions: Unfinished business?
Italy’s new government plans changes to first-pillar pensions that could have a significant impact on the country’s economy
Country Report
Telemaco: A colourful approach
The telecom pension fund has increased diversification significantly, considering alternatives and ESG
Country Report
Asset Allocation: Tactics come into play
Italian pension funds are diversifying their asset allocation in response to low yields
Country Report
Second Pillar: A sector comes of age
Without further measures to increase coverage, Italy’s growing second-pillar pensions will continue to represent only a relatively small share of the overall economy
Country Report
Switzerland: Preparing for the next set of reforms
Talks on the reform of the Swiss first and second pillar have been prolonged by the 2017 rejection of the Altersvorsorge 2020 pac
Country Report
ESG: The Swiss shade of green
Pensionskassen were slow to embrace ESG but many are now committed to integrating sustainable thinking into their strategies
Country Report
Compenswiss: Futureproof
The reserve fund for Swiss social security is well-equipped to deal with growing deficits
Country Report
1e Pension Plans: Staying popular?
1e pension plans are facing reform. Will this hinder their continued popularity?
Country Report
Loi PACTE: Seeking workplace simplicity
Loi PACTE proposal aims to simplify and unify employee supplementary savings regimes
Country Report
Iceland: Preparing for a second wave
The lifting of capital controls will allow Icelandic pension funds to invest more overseas
Country Report
Finnish Self-Employed: Freelance provision requires reform
Finland has woken up to the difficulties created by the flexible world of employment and the inability of pension regulation to ensure suitable provision for the self-employed