All articles by Dickon Reid – Page 31

  • Features

    Norway fund’s long-term focus

    October 2001 (Magazine)

  • News

    Investment banks rally after US disaster


    US SPECIAL - Investment banking groups, many of whom had offices within the World Trade Centre in New York, have released statements of sympathy to the relatives of colleagues still missing in the aftermath of yesterday’s horrific terrorist attack, as well as updates on the well being of their employees.....

  • News

    Banks begin post US tragedy allocation reviews


    US SPECIAL – Investment banks are beginning to review their asset allocation strategies in light of the US tragedy on September 11, with most sticking to their long-term policies and noting that political events going forward may shape strategy much more sharply than the terrorist atrocities in New York.....

  • Features

    Unconvinced speak out

    September 2001 (Magazine)

    Talk to any investment professional about multi-manager and most have forthright opinions. However, such is the reach of the multi-manager approach- linking consultants, investment managers and pension funds- that few are willing to go on the record. In the UK, in particular, consultants still rule and are rightly considered the ...

  • Features

    How many managers?

    September 2001 (Magazine)

    Two arguments commonly used to promote multi management structures are one, that they give small schemes access to specialist managers and two, that by employing more managers, they are a good means of diversifying risk. These arguments rest on two assumptions though – firstly that specialists are special and secondly ...

  • Features

    Something for everyone

    September 2001 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Z-score day of reckoning looms

    September 2001 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Multi-manager momentum

    July 2001 (Magazine)

    The multi-manager or manager of manager concept is beginning to gather momentum in the UK market as institutional investors tentatively hand over their assets. Leading the field are Frank Russell and Northern Trust Global Investors but SEI, the US-based manager of managers, is making inroads into the market, having set ...

  • Features

    Masters of reinvention

    July 2001 (Magazine)

    Both equity markets and balanced managers took a battering during 2000 and the year to date. Disappointed institutional investors are consequently looking elsewhere for that elusive alpha and, as they review mandates, so the managers in turn reinvent themselves. If it’s not balanced managers portraying themselves as specialists in everything, ...

  • Features

    The luck of the manager

    July 2001 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Volatility generator

    July 2001 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Slicing up the European cake

    July 2001 (Magazine)

    Northern Trust, the custodian with E1.9trn in assets at the close of last year, showed its larger competitors up in 2000 by winning E225bn in new business worldwide, E70bn of which originated from Europe. Significant wins last year include appointments from Akzo Nobel, both in the UK and the Netherlands, ...

  • Features

    Avoid the real high risk zone

    July 2001 (Magazine)

    Benchmark. The very word sounds solid and reliable. Obsessive attention to tracking error, though, perpetuated by the more emotive term ‘benchmark risk’, leaves the underlying structure unscrutinised. So while there is a belief that a small tracking error provides safety, little thought is given to the risk associated with the ...

  • Special Report

    SRI: not high on agenda

    July 2001 (Magazine)

    Rather like the road to hell, the road to outperformance appears to be paved with good intentions. If the experience of socially responsible investment (SRI) in the UK is anything to go by, though, then those intentions appear somewhat half-hearted. SRI in its purest form was the exclusion of offensive ...

  • Features

    In search of the unusual

    June 2001 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Ratings still on radar

    June 2001 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Prising out the information

    June 2001 (Magazine)