NETHERLANDS - Doctors Pension Funds Services, the company which runs more than €12bn of medical pension assets, has named PME’s Gerard van Dalen as its new chief executive.
“At September 1, 2006 Mr. G.A.W. van Dalen will be the new CEO of Doctors Pension Funds Services,” Utrecht-based DPFS said.
Van Dalen is currently director of pensions at PME, the industry-wide scheme for the mechanical and electrical engineering industries.
Interim CEO Bert Bos's tenure finished on April 1.
DPFS – formerly SBA Artsenpensioenfondsen - administers the pension funds for general practitioners (SPH) and medical specialists (SPMS). It became a private limited company last year.
Van Dalen is a former head of pension policy at employers’ group VNO-NCW and a member of the pensions working party at the Stichting van de Arbeit labour foundation.
He’s been a member of the bank council at De Nederlandsche Bank and a governing board member at the giant civil service scheme ABP.
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