Eduard Ponds

  • HBS: room for improvement

    HBS: room for improvement

    December 2012 (Magazine)

    The concept of a holistic balance sheet is intellectually tempting but could be improved and it is still unclear whether it will be workable in practice, argue Jurre de Haan, Karin Janssen and Eduard Ponds

  • HBS: room for improvement

    HBS: room for improvement

    December 2012 (Magazine)

    The concept of a holistic balance sheet is intellectually tempting but could be improved and it is still unclear whether it will be workable in practice, argue Jurre de Haan, Karin Janssen and Eduard Ponds

  • HBS: room for improvement

    HBS: room for improvement

    December 2012 (Magazine)

    The concept of a holistic balance sheet is intellectually tempting but could be improved and it is still unclear whether it will be workable in practice, argue Jurre de Haan, Karin Janssen and Eduard Ponds

  • Features

    Pinning hopes on hybrid pension plans

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    The attraction of the typical average wage defined benefit (DB) scheme in the Netherlands is that it is a hybrid DB-DC plan, midway between the certainties of a traditional DB plan and the risk of a DC plan, say Eduard Ponds and Bart van Riel