ESG Special Reports – Page 16

  • Special Report

    The trouble with fracking

    July 2012 (Magazine)

    The full environmental impact of shale gas extraction is not known, so investors must engage with companies to make sure they are acting responsibly, says Nina Röhrbein

  • Special Report

    Pay proposals in the shareholder spring

    June 2012 (Magazine)

    Shareholders are beginning to flex their muscles by voting against inflated executive remuneration packages in listed companies, says Nina Röhrbein

  • Special Report

    Moves in microfinance

    May 2012 (Magazine)

    Despite suffering some negative perceptions, the asset class is cleaning up its act and gaining new fans, says Nina Röhrbein

  • Special Report

    Food for thought

    April 2012 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein asks what pressure investors can put on food companies to improve their products and address health issues

  • Special Report

    Sovereign debt in sights of ESG ratings

    March 2012 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein finds out how the sovereign debt crisis is affecting countries’ ESG rating

  • Special Report

    The evolution of corporate reporting

    February 2012 (Magazine)

    Sustainability reporting has yet to establish its presence but integrated reporting is trying to gain a foothold within the environmental, social and governance (ESG) arena. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    Off the starting blocks

    January 2012 (Magazine)

    Across central and eastern Europe, the extent to which countries have launched themselves off the ESG starting blocks varies greatly. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    Great expectations

    January 2012 (Magazine)

    ESG investing is growing in popularity, as Sofie Gravers Jacobsen analyses the results from Kirstein’s investor survey

  • Special Report

    CO2 on file

    January 2012 (Magazine)

    Corporates are making patchy progress on the disclosure of their carbon emissions, writes Elisabeth Jeffries. Mandatory disclosure would be a struggle for many

  • Special Report

    SRI education must continue

    December 2011 (Magazine)

    A Eurosif study shows a lack of knowledge among European corporate pension funds is hampering greater adoption of ESG factors in their investment strategies, writes François Passant

  • Special Report

    Forests into fixed income

    December 2011 (Magazine)

    Despite being relatively new to the fixed income market, green bonds offer responsible investors a good opportunity to invest sustainably. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    Public meets private

    November 2011 (Magazine)

    Infrastructure is highly visible and long term, so investors need to stay in control of ESG concerns. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    Do ESG strategies hurt performance?

    October 2011 (Magazine)

    Iordanis Chatziprodromou asks if there are identifiable risks associated with general ESG-driven investment strategies

  • Special Report

    Pharmas in better health

    October 2011 (Magazine)

    Although improving, the pharma sector still has social and environmental challenges to address. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    Curbing corruption

    September 2011 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein reports on how the investment industry is guarding against the recent rise in corporate corruption

  • Special Report

    Driving forward

    September 2011 (Magazine)

    Niall Mills discusses the relationship between responsible investment and the inflation-linked income generated by infrastructure assets

  • Special Report

    A tailor-made trend

    July 2011 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein reports on a recent surge in demand for sustainable indices, but questions whether they match client needs

  • Special Report

    The future of cleantech

    July 2011 (Magazine)

    Investors in the cleantech industry are not just funding the development of environmentally conscious business, argues Paul Corren. While the technology is developed to do that, it is also focused on reducing costs and improving efficiency

  • Special Report

    Measuring social impact

    July 2011 (Magazine)

    Work needs to be done to standardise the measurement of the social impact of investments. Michele Giddens warns against oversimplifying the question

  • Special Report

    It’s still a man’s world

    June 2011 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein finds out whether diversity on company boards help stave off crises by bringing fresh thinking and different skills?