ESG Special Reports – Page 17

  • Special Report

    Learning from Vedanta

    May 2011 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein examines the rights of indigenous people, an important issue as natural resources become scarcer, forcing exploration of the world’s remoter regions

  • Special Report

    Taking climate change in your stride

    April 2011 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein looks at Mercer’s project to help institutional investors tailor their investment portfolios to manage the risks as well as exploit the opportunities thrown up by climate change

  • Special Report

    Hedge fund paradox

    March 2011 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein looks at how the few responsible hedge funds are reconciling their short-term outlook with the medium to long-term nature of ESG investing

  • Special Report

    Implementing ESG – the sustainable bank’s way

    February 2011 (Magazine)

    Some 75% of the core portfolios of KfW, Germany’s development bank, is managed sustainably, as Nina Röhrbein finds

  • Special Report

    Positive impact in Africa

    January 2011 (Magazine)

    A local presence and a tilt towards impact investing is the way to succeed on the final frontier, writes Nina Röhrbein

  • Clean India
    Special Report

    Clean India

    January 2011 (Magazine)

    Kirsteen Morrison identifies some showcase opportunities in renewable energy, water and agriculture in India

  • Special Report

    Cleantech: no longer a dirty word

    December 2010 (Magazine)

    Smart grid and biomass are two sectors investors in renewables might consider if they are looking beyond the more traditional headline-hitting solar and wind energy. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    SRI conquers non-equities territory

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    The emergence of new types of SRI strategy is a major factor in driving the market as Eurosif’s 2010 European SRI study highlights. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    The Nordic Region: Early movers and growing assets

    November 2010 (Magazine)

    Susanne Jacobson and Linda Stany assess the role smaller investors are playing in the responsible investment area

  • Special Report

    Who governs the agenda?

    October 2010 (Magazine)

    The UK’s Stewardship Code leaves something to be desired. For example, what exactly is good stewardship? Nina Röhrbein reports

  • BP, investors’ blind spot
    Special Report

    BP, investors’ blind spot

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    Has the need for dividends compromised the green credentials of pension funds when it comes to oil companies such as BP? Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    Garbage in, garbage out

    September 2010 (Magazine)

    Like all investment data and ratings, environmental, social and governance indicators need to be scrubbed clean and carefully analysed, writes Adam Seitchik

  • Special Report

    Local supporter

    July 2010 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein finds out how the Minneapolis-based Community Reinvestment Fund is helping to funnel capital into distressed urban communities

  • The environment factor
    Special Report

    The environment factor

    June 2010 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein reports on the progress of sustainable real estate

  • Investing in reefs and rhinos
    Special Report

    Investing in reefs and rhinos

    May 2010 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein reports on the rise of biodiversity

  • Special Report

    ESG risk in a portfolio context

    April 2010 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein reports on research into the implications that a ESG strategy can have upon asset allocation

  • Special Report

    Lukewarm on weather derivatives

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    Nina Röhrbein reports on whether investors are turning to weather derivatives as a means of assuaging climate change concerns

  • Special Report

    Going green in emerging markets

    February 2010 (Magazine)

    Green is gaining in currency with investors. ATP has just announced a €1bn investment to a fund focused on emerging markets and climate change, while the World Bank’s green bond issues have been snapped up. Nina Röhrbein reports

  • Special Report

    ESG progress in emerging markets

    February 2010 (Magazine)

    China had more than its fair share of bad press off the back of December’s UN Climate Change Conference. But Andrew Ness points to cutting-edge sustainable technologies in Asia, as well as real progress on social and governance fronts

  • Special Report

    Governance push in Japan

    January 2010 (Magazine)

    The Japan Engagement Consortium aims to improve Japanese corporate governance standards at the same time as companies realise they must improve to attract investors, reports Nina Röhrbein