ESG Special Reports – Page 28

  • Special Report

    SRI now in the mainstream?

    April 2006 (Magazine)

    While European institutional investors have incorporated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into their investment decision-making methodologies, the big American investors, for the most part, are lagging behind. Will they catch up – and are they even interested? On the surface the figures are buoyant. In the Social Investment Forum’s ...

  • Special Report

    How to value the future

    April 2006 (Magazine)

    In this comment, we report the results of research on pension fund trustee decision-making relevant to socially responsible investment (SRI). Based upon a sample of over 150 UK trustees, it is shown that a majority of trustees believe there are significant barriers to the implementation of SRI. At the same ...

  • Special Report

    Land of opportunity

    April 2006 (Magazine)

    “Companies addressing issues such as global demographic developments, rising consumption of raw materials and energy and the increasing environmental impact and effects of these are acquiring competitive advantage over those that were not” says Andreas Knoerzer, head of sustainable investments at Bank Sarasin. Sarasin has been involved in sustainability ...

  • Special Report

    Driving the outcome

    March 2006 (Magazine)

    As the links between intangibles – environmental policy for example – and corporate performance are strengthened so it is clear that they also are generating an increasingly large portion of corporate growth and shareholder value. This explains the increasing demand for information about these aspects of corporate activity, from the ...

  • Special Report

    Taking things seriously

    March 2006 (Magazine)

    Socially responsible investment specialists EIRIS have found that 24% of companies worldwide have good or advanced systems in place to manage social, environmental and other ethical (SEE) risks. Published recently, the survey, entitled ‘SEE Risk Management: An analysis of its adoption by companies’, analysed companies in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region ...

  • Special Report

    Going with the two-way flow

    February 2006 (Magazine)

    Only around 20% of company reports include information on stakeholder engagement, according to a recent survey – Corporate Responsibility – a United State? – carried out by Context, a London-based corporate responsibility (CR) communications and strategy consultancy. “One can assume that if a company is not reporting on it then ...

  • Special Report

    Inform, on form

    February 2006 (Magazine)

    SRI is still a relatively new concept which is still considered by many to be some way down the list of priorities as companies and their senior executives feel the pressure to focus more and more on the bottom line. The reason it finds itself so far down the list ...

  • Special Report

    A question of best practice

    January 2006 (Magazine)

    For trustees and board members of pension funds in Europe, life has never been harder. A decade ago, things looked rosy. Pension funds were in surplus, and funding levels were not a concern. Pension schemes were posting strong double digit returns, allowing contribution holidays, and spending almost next to no ...

  • Special Report

    Structured approaches

    January 2006 (Magazine)

    A two-tiered internal governance structure is being proposed in the Netherlands, the country that is leading on governance in Europe, and where the issue has been under debate for the last few years. Currently, according to the OECD, pension funds are incorporated legal entities separate from the sponsor, and have ...

  • Special Report

    Crying need for governance

    January 2006 (Magazine)

    Most industry participants agree that education has to be the foremost concern. “A lot of boards until recently have been made up of gifted amateurs rather than professionals. There is an expectation that this will change,” says Elizabeth Renshaw-Ames, a worldwide partner at Mercer Investment Consulting. She points out that ...

  • Special Report

    Double jeopardy

    January 2006 (Magazine)

    The emerging market spells a quantum leap in investment risk for most pension funds which now view them as an essential alpha generator as traditional asset classes have become both more unpredictable and disappointing in terms of their returns. But what of the newly coined ‘emerging emerging market?’ A class ...

  • Special Report

    Going for engagement

    January 2006 (Magazine)

    By the end of the first quarter of next year ABN Amro will have rolled out its SRI offering to France, Germany, the UK and the Netherlands. The offering is based on the approach adopted by the bank’s Swedish subsidiary Banco Fonder, the main centre of ABN Amro’s SRI activity ...