ESG Special Reports – Page 5

  • Green bonds
    Special Report

    To Paris and beyond: capturing energy transition and climate investment opportunities with ETFs

    ETF Guide (2022)

    The climate emergency is arguably the greatest challenge of our lifetimes. We must use every tool at our disposal – including financial – to stand any chance of success. Thankfully, investors are ever more aware that incorporating climate in their portfolios can help them manage asset-specific risk, access opportunities from the shift to clean energy and achieve something meaningful with their money. And they are ever more aware they can do it in flexible, cost-effective ways.

  • Starting universe of companies
    Special Report

    Adding to the biodiversity protection toolbox

    ETF Guide (2022)

    Biodiversity is intricately linked with economic growth and development. Since the industrial revolution ecosystems have been under constant threat with the advent of large towns, cities and industrial complexes. The rate of deterioration has accelerated over time and we are now destroying natural capital at an unprecedented rate, which will have long-term consequences for economies, societies and the planet.

  • Sustainable profile improvement in US dollar investment grade
    Special Report

    Why investors use sustainable fixed income ETFs

    ETF Guide (2022)

    Sustainable fixed income investing is growing at a rapid rate as investors increasingly seek to address climate risks, meet new regulations, and adapt to new investment preferences. The majority of investors who are choosing indexed exposures to build their sustainable portfolios are currently following SRI indices, with 93% of AUM in sustainable fixed income UCITS ETFs tracking such indices.

  • Special Report

    RFQ platforms and the institutional ETF trading revolution

    ETF Guide (2022)

    What do ETFs, RFQ and ESG all have in common? Aside from being some of the most popular acronyms in the history of financial services, the three-letter abbreviations for exchange-traded funds (ETF), electronic request-for-quote (RFQ) trading, and environmental, social and governance (ESG) driven investing, have all come together at the centre of a revolution in asset management. 

  • Special Report

    Legal and regulatory developments: EU plays catch-up

    ETF Guide (2022)

    While the European framework for establishing ETFs has not changed substantially in recent times, developments within the legislative bodies of the EU present a number of current and potential hurdles for ETFs in the short to medium term. This article will look at each legal development in turn. It is also important to note that the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted a number of areas that need to be strengthened. 

  • Norway key data
    Special Report

    Norway: Steps towards a new pension settlement

    September 2022 (Magazine)

    Increasing the retirement age will help put Norway’s pension system on a more sustainable footing, but improving benefits will mean extra costs

  • Portugal key data
    Special Report

    Portugal: Sustainability efforts need to be redoubled

    September 2022 (Magazine)

    Portugal recognises that past pension reforms mitigated the fiscal effects of an ageing population, but more effort is needed over the coming years

  • Special report - Outlook
    Special Report

    Special Report – Outlook

    June 2022 (Magazine)

    It’s hardly news that inflation is high on asset owners’ minds right now. We asked eight seasoned asset allocators, CIOs and strategists the same question: how do you rate the chances of stagflation? And what to do about it?

  • Top 500 Asset Managers 2022
    Special Report

    Top 500 Asset Managers 2022

    June 2022 (Magazine)

    The emergence of persistent higher inflation, China’s zero-COVID policy, stress on global supply chains, and Russia’s Ukraine war all suggest that the asset total of this year’s IPE Top 500 Asset Managers Guide represents a high water mark.

  • Special Report

    Outlook: Can investors act alone on energy policy?

    June 2022 (Magazine)

    It may be up to governments to set the rules of engagement to achieve net zero

  • Graph 1
    Special Report

    Outlook: Future of hydrocarbons

    June 2022 (Magazine)

    The OECD remains critically dependent on Russian oil and gas – and finding alternative sources will be very hard

  • Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 15.37.19
    Special Report

    Four challenges for asset managers

    June 2022 (Magazine)

    Leading figures respond to key questions on ● Investment strategy ● ESG

  • ESG impact trees forestry green
    Special Report

    Driving change as the debate on impact evolves

    May 2022 (Magazine)

    It’s hard to believe, but this is IPE’s fifth annual special report dedicated to investing for impact: our first impact investing report was in 2018. What has changed since then? In some ways not much. We still have a debate about the credibility of claiming impact in public markets, where the narrative is all about stewardship in the form of engagement and voting, and we discuss the effectiveness of engagement versus divestment.

  • Matt Christensen
    Special Report

    Strategy: The search for integrity and effectiveness

    May 2022 (Magazine)

    Investors are increasingly seeking real-world impact, but understanding of what that means and how it can best be achieved is still evolving.

  • Rory Sullivan
    Special Report

    Corporate lobbying comes under the spotlight

    May 2022 (Magazine)

    Companies are starting to respond to investors’ demands for transparent and consistent lobbying.

  • Historical global CO2 emissions since 2000
    Special Report

    Consigning fossil fuels to the past

    May 2022 (Magazine)

    How are asset managers supporting the shift away from fossil fuels in energy intensive sectors?

  • Special Report

    UK Stewardship Code: a platform for impact

    May 2022 (Magazine)

    Investors and specialist managers could use the UK’s revised Stewardship Code to showcase intentionality and impact

  • Patrick Briaud (pictured) and Steven Godeke
    Special Report

    Towards a sustainable portfolio theory

    May 2022 (Magazine)

     Applying monetary values to impacts would allow investors to direct capital better and assess opportunities for improved long-term returns 

  • Screenshot 2022-04-28 at 12.27.31
    Special Report

    Data: focus on impact hurdles

    May 2022 (Magazine)

    An increasing number of impact funds link carried interest to impact goals. Asset owners can help by encouraging this trend

  • Sweet shop
    Special Report

    Special Report – Manager selection

    April 2022 (Magazine)

    With COVID-19 now under control, the business of selecting managers no longer has to deal with severe restrictions on travel and face-to-face interactions. However, the pandemic has taught investors and manager selection advisers some important lessons.