IPE-QUEST - A European institutional investor is conducting a search for asset managers to look after an emerging market equities mandate, using IPE-Quest.
Details of QN 1103 reveal the investor wishes to invest €100m in long-only global emerging market equities.
No particular investment style has been specified, but the investor is looking for active managers with a minimum of assets under management of €500m.
The mandate would be benchmarked against MSCI Emerging Markets, total gross return.
Prospective managers should have a minimum track record of three years, preferably five years.
Closing date for submissions is 1 June 2010.
The news team is unable to answer any further questions about IPE-Quest tender notices, to protect the clients conducting the search. To obtain information direct from IPE-Quest, please contact Jayna Vishram on + 44 (0)20 7261 4630 or email jayna.vishram@ipe-quest.com
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