An undisclosed European pension fund is looking for asset managers to run a potentially $50m-100m (€45m-90m) global large-cap equity mandate, to be managed on a passive basis, using IPE Quest.

In search QN-2088, the pension fund said this was a request for information (RFI) and that it was not offering a mandate at this stage, so a manager might not be appointed.

It said it was evaluating established or emerging multi-factor strategies for global equities smart beta.

The final closing date for responses is 25 July at 5pm UK time.

The pension fund said proposing firms could be either asset managers or index providers.

Applicants will have to meet minimum criteria including the use of a long-only investment strategy with no leverage, observing a tracking error of less than 5% on a three-year rolling per year basis.

Other minimum criteria were stated in the search, including the requirement that the firm should use a smart-beta multi-factor approach with a combination of at least two factors.

Investment should be rule-based and/or passive, with no – or few – active fundamental management elements. 

The benchmark stated in the search is the MSCI World ACWI.

The IPE news team is unable to answer any further questions about IPE Quest tender notices to protect the interests of clients conducting the search. To obtain information directly from IPE Quest, please contact Jayna Vishram on +44 (0) 20 7261 4630 or email