UK - FTSE 100 pension schemes had an estimated surplus of over £4bn (€5.9bn) by the end of June 30, suggests research by a pensions adviser firm.
A study, entitled The FTSE 100 and Their Pension Disclosures and conducted by pensions risk management and recovery advisers Pension Capital Strategies and Numis Securities, indicates the surplus assets above full pension funding levels is £35bn higher than 12 months prior ago.
Eighteen companies in the group disclosed a pension surplus in their most recent annual report and accounts, while 77 companies showed a pension deficit based on their current funding year.
That said, PCS argues the latest mortality tables published by the actuarial profession suggest life expectancy is still being underestimated bypension funds and the total UK pensions deficit could be understated by as much as £40bn - £36bn of which is attached to just FTSE 100 pension schemes.
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