All articles by Georg Inderst

  • Book Review

    Book Review: Compendium of lessons for investors

    September 2011 (Magazine)

    A review of ‘Expected Returns. An Investor’s Guide to Harvesting Market Rewards’ by Antti Ilmanen, published by Wiley Finance, February 2011.

  • Now for the hard work

    Now for the hard work

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    The credit crunch has finally exploded in the face of European pension funds. Georg Inderst looks at the problems this has created as investment managers make asset allocation decisions and offers potential solutions

  • Stagflation has arrived

    Stagflation has arrived

    September 2008 (Magazine)

    Pension funds are now working in an investment environment that is not only difficult but that has not been seen some time, as George Inderst reports

  • Credit crunch chickens come home to roost

    Credit crunch chickens come home to roost

    May 2008 (Magazine)

    Georg Inderst gives an overview of the effects of the sub-prime generated credit crunch on pension funds

  • Features

    Capturing opportunities

    February 2008 (Magazine)

    George Inderst assesses the factors that will drive asset allocation this year

  • Features

    The strategic landscape

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    George Inderst charts broad trends in the allocation of pension fund assets

  • Features

    How to weather market turmoil

    October 2007 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Beyond nationhood

    April 2007 (Magazine)

    The Oxford Handbook of Pensions and Retirement Income Edited by Gordon Clark, Alicia Munnell and Michael Orszag, with the assistance of Kate Williams. ISBN-10: 0-19-927246-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-19-927246-4 936 pages hardback Price: £85 (€124) Oxford University Press This is a welcome new handbook and it is easy to predict that it ...

  • Features

    Keeping a bead on a fuzzy target

    March 2007 (Magazine)

    Pension plan directors need to pay heed to the major structural changes in the market in reviewing their strategic asset allocation, says Georg Inderst

  • Features

    Doing the business

    February 2007 (Magazine)

    While LDI means different things to different people, across Europe funds are reviewing investment strategy in the light of their liabilities. Georg Inderst examines the choices they face

  • Features

    Goldilocks or stagnation?

    December 2006 (Magazine)

    With beta back in vogue, the time could be ripe for some thinking outside the box, says Georg Inderst

  • Features

    The return of beta

    November 2006 (Magazine)

    Much maligned in the early 2000s, beta is now back in vogue with asset managers keen to embrace a wider universe. Georg Inderst reports

  • Features

    Fiduciary risk in DC plans

    May 2006 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Telling it how it is

    January 2006 (Magazine)

    Client reporting has improved greatly in recent years. Fund managers now produce reports that are almost as slick as those of management consultants. Most pension trustees and officers seem to be happier with what they receive today compared with five or 10 years ago. Standards had to be raised. It ...

  • Features

    Coming to terms with derivatives

    December 2005 (Magazine)

    Remember 1995? Only 10 years ago or so, most investment managers still felt pretty uncomfortable with derivatives. Derivative traders were an exotic species using Greek symbols and a jargon nobody could understand. No surprise, pension funds hardly used these instruments, or even avoided them in principle. What is a derivative? ...

  • Features

    Infrastructure’s long-term payback

    October 2005 (Magazine)

    Pension funds are trying to spread their investments across a much wider spectrum of asset classes than in the past. More ‘alternative’ products are being offered on the market to meet the insatiable demand from institutions. One area now attracting increasing attention in Europe is infrastructure investment. The term immediately ...

  • Features

    Less than clear-cut position

    September 2005 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Ensuring good performance

    June 2005 (Magazine)

    Performance and risk analysis have gone a long way since the dark ages of investment, when returns were measured in rather raw form, while risk was hardly measured at all. These days, pension plan trustees are enlightened by slick performance reports, including hundreds of statistics, thoroughly calculated and well-presented with ...