All articles by Georg Inderst – Page 2

  • Features

    To be handled with care

    March 2005 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Back with a bang

    February 2005 (Magazine)

    After years of near-neglect, asset allocation is now centre stage. The pensions world has (re-) discovered its importance for investment performance, liability matching and risk management. How quickly things can change. Only a few years back the view was widespread that there was not much value added to be gained ...

  • Features

    The legal eagle has landed

    January 2005 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Too long the unloved asset

    December 2004 (Magazine)

    Most individuals know how much cash they have and why they keep it. Curiously, institutional investors have a more difficult relationship with money. Cash is often neglected, or regarded as an inferior investment, if an “investment” at all. More recently, however, many pension funds have started to reconsider their position ...

  • Features

    Make the audit add value

    November 2004 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Managing your managers

    September 2004 (Magazine)

  • Features

    Getting the best from actuaries

    April 2004 (Magazine)

    For many pension plans, the actuary is a sort of shaman, a person with supra-human abilities in foreseeing the future of assets and liabilities, and special powers to control the solvency level of the pension fund. However, the belief in actuarial shamanism has recently been fading somewhat. Many things have ...

  • Features

    Getting the best from custodians

    February 2004 (Magazine)

    Has your custodian ever lost any of your assets? Probably not. Should you worry about such risks? Surely yes. But how much should pension fund directors get involved in custody issues? In fact, there are normally no major problems that would require the attention of pension fund boards. Custody seems ...

  • Features

    Get to grips with hedge funds

    January 2003 (Magazine)

    ‘More talk than action’ is a comment often made during discussions about hedge funds for European pension funds. In this article, I would like to present the perspective of a pension fund trustee on this topic. The conclusion will be, in short, that the debate about the use of hedge ...

  • Special Report

    Dispelling the mysteries

    February 2002 (Magazine)

    ‘For many beneficiaries and the public at large, pension funds are most mysterious organisations.” Whether or not you agree with this conclusion by an academic, it is certainly true that the structure and the running of pension plans has attracted low attention in the past, even by many insiders. However, ...