All articles by George Coats – Page 2

  • Putting off mañana

    Putting off mañana

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    Although the leading political parties agree they should revisit the Toledo pact that is the basic text of Spain’s pensions reform, they have yet to agree when. And pensions are just not on the current government’s agenda, writes George Coats

  • Country Report

    Taking the hit

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    Domestic asset managers were sheltered by pension funds’ local bias, although international players were making inroads. George Coats samples opinions on a possible post-crisis landscape in asset managemenmt

  • Country Report

    Shelved, not forgotten

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    The Green Paper on pensions was supposed to play a key role in the evolution of Irish pensions policy but the market and economic crises have seen it drop off the government’s agenda. George Coats assesses whether it still has any relevance in the new situation

  • Country Report

    Putting the focus on regulation

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    Regulation was one the main issues mentioned in responses to the government’s Green Paper on Pensions, with many submissions focusing on the funding standard for DC pension schemes. “There were always potential problems around the issue of the funding standard and it has become a lot more real now,” says ...

  • Local bias extracts a price
    Country Report

    Local bias extracts a price

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    When the Irish stock exchange was booming, domestic equities were the place to be. But many pension funds were slow to diversify and this is reflected in their returns, finds George Coats

  • Country Report

    State eyes on the piggy bank

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    Ireland’s pensions reserve fund was seen as a success but now the government wants to raid its assets to refinance troubled banks, finds George Coats

  • Getting the correct balance
    Special Report

    Getting the correct balance

    February 2009 (Magazine)

    Javier Aibar Bernard is the general director of the Social Security Treasury, which oversees Spain’s €55.9m Reserve Fund, the Fondo de Reserva de la Seguridad Social (FRSS). He explains to George Coats how the fund is run and discusses its ability to fulfil its role

  • News

    Lithuania overrides veto on contribution cut


    [13:00 CET 22-01] LITHUANIA – The Lithuanian parliament, the Seimas, has overruled a presidential veto of a law that cuts contributions to second pillar pension funds to 3% of a salary from the 5.5% to be paid in 2009 and 2010.

  • A system under attack
    Country Report

    A system under attack

    January 2009 (Magazine)

    While for investors market risk is a clear and present danger, political risk appears easy to overlook. But it can be just as corrosive, finds George Coats

  • News

    Presidential veto overruled


    POLAND – An alliance between the Polish right of centre coalition government and the left of centre opposition party has overturned a presidential veto on legislation to create so-called bridge pensions and replace early retirement benefits.

  • News

    Lithuania to cut private pension contributions


    [17:20 CET 28-11] LITHUANIA - An economic crisis plan approved by Lithuania’s incoming government includes a proposal to reduce contributions to the second pillar pension system.

  • The fetters come off

    The fetters come off

    November 2008 (Magazine)

    Until now, Sweden’s AP7 has not had the benefit of a level playing field. That is about to change, finds George Coats

  • Features

    Tempered optimism across Europe

    November 2008 (Magazine)

    IPE asked six pension organisations across Europe: ‘How have you been affected by the recent market turmoil?’ Interviews conducted by Nina Röhrbein/Liam Kennedy/George Coats

  • Riding out the tempest

    Riding out the tempest

    November 2008 (Magazine)

    Although small and new, SEB’s Lithuanian pension fund operation is confident that it will survive the turmoil that is convulsing the financial world. CIO Marijus Kalesinskas tells George Coats why

  • Features

    Swiss fudge on prudent man

    November 2008 (Magazine)

  • Features

    A gradual transformation

    November 2008 (Magazine)

    The arena for consultants looks much the same from one year to the next but it is changing, George Coats finds

  • Special Report

    The dog that didn’t bark

    November 2008 (Magazine)

    The failure of a court case arising from the collapse of a pension fund to result in any convictions aroused little interest among the general public, says George Coats

  • Allocation at a time of crisis
    Special Report

    Allocation at a time of crisis

    November 2008 (Magazine)

    Iceland’s pension fund sector has undergone considerable consolidation over recent years. “The funds were formed at the insistence of the trade unions and initially there were nearly 100 of them as each union wanted to have its own fund,” says Hrafn Magnusson, (pictured right) managing director of National Association of ...

  • Funds keep their heads above the water

    Funds keep their heads above the water

    November 2008 (Magazine)

    Norway’s financial sector has been buffeted but pension funds look to stay afloat, finds George Coats