All articles by George Coats – Page 4

  • Light touch regime
    Special Report

    Light touch regime

    March 2008 (Magazine)

    Belgium’s regulator tells George Coats about the thinking behind Belgium’s new pensions framework and how he will police it

  • Hands off the tiller

    Hands off the tiller

    March 2008 (Magazine)

    Belgium was without a government for the second half of last year. Did anybody notice? George Coats investigates

  • Gaps in the landscape

    Gaps in the landscape

    March 2008 (Magazine)

    While the authorities hope the new OPF vehicle will attract foreign pension funds to base themselves in Belgium, the domestic second pillar is not as robust as it should be, George Coats finds

  • News

    Lisbon unveils new supplementary plan


    [16:50 CET 25-02] PORTUGAL - A new first pillar defined contribution scheme will be launched in Portugal on 1 March.

  • Features

    Polish appointment cheers industry

    February 2008 (Magazine)

    Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak has been nominated as vice-minister in charge of pensions at the ministry of labour and social policy.

  • Features

    New man at EFRP

    February 2008 (Magazine)

    He may be a new broom, but Angel Martinez-Aldama will be sweeping up much of the same old dust, finds George Coats

  • Features

    Keeping a Rendezvous

    February 2008 (Magazine)

    The government and its social partners are due to discuss pension reform as projected deficits rise. George Coats reports that fundamental change will not be on the agenda

  • Features

    Policy review engages Polish funds

    January 2008 (Magazine)

    As the new government reviews its policy options, pension funds tell George Coats what they think should be on its agenda

  • News

    Poland names pensions minister


    [16:30 CET 14-01] POLAND – Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak has been nominated as vice-minister at the ministry of labour and social policy in charge of pensions.

  • Features

    Keep a wary eye on politics

    January 2008 (Magazine)

    Stefano Pighini recently left Italian energy giant Ente Nazionale per l’energia Elettrica (Enel) where he had been head of Enel pensions funds from 2002-04. George Coats asked him about his career.

  • Features

    Slipping back into the cold

    January 2008 (Magazine)

    CEE pension funds face an unexpected source of volatility – politicians, George Coats discovers

  • News

    Pension funds negotiate investment rules


    [16:30 CET 17-12] BULGARIA – The association of Bulgarian pension management companies (BASPC) has called on the government to lift the cap on mandatory pension schemes’ investment in equities and argued schemes should be allowed to participate in IPOs.

  • Features

    IGFCSS to manage supplementary plan

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    The parametric reforms introduced since 2002 will have the affect of reducing the growth of first pillar pensions.

  • Features

    Belgium set to bridge OFP gap

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Belgium’s pensions regulator, the Banking Commission, is to announce the funding details for the organisation for financing pensions (OFP), the recently unveiled legal entity designed to host pension funds, on 6 December.

  • New broom at FRR

    New broom at FRR

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Nicholas Sobczak, FRR’s new CIO tells George Coats that he wants to show the French how useful the financial markets can be in securing pension promises

  • News

    Prime minister sacks Polish pensions supervisor


    [13:00 CET 06-12] POLAND – The vice-chairman of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) with responsibility for pensions, Iwona Duda, has been dismissed by the new Polish prime minister, Donald Tusk.

  • News

    Bulgarian mutual funds post monthly fall


    BULGARIA – Corrections in the local and global stock markets wiped nearly BGN100m (€51m) off the asset value of mutual funds in the Bulgarian market during November, according to calculations by Sofia-based business newspaper Dnevnik.

  • Features

    Widening the remit

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    A law has been drafted allowing Spain’s reserve fund to invest in equities. But, as George Coats finds, its details and timescale are still unknown

  • Features

    Actors in search of a role

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Investment consultants have yet to carve our much of a niche in the Spanish pensions market, George Coats finds

  • Features

    Acclimatising to normal life

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Alan Steele retired earlier this year as director of finance at the London Borough of Hounslow with oversight of the borough’s pension scheme, which has assets of £480m (€666m). He talks to George Coats about his career