All articles by George Coats – Page 5

  • News

    Legal challenge to Polish retirement age


    POLAND – Poland’s ombudsman has declared differing retirement ages for men and women is unconstitutional and is challenging it in the Constitutional Court.

  • Features

    Competition drives down Swedish ITP fees

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    The move of Sweden’s ITP scheme from DB to DC has had some unexpected consequences, finds George Coats

  • Features

    Reforming Norway's occupational pensions

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    George Coats assesses the impact of introducing a mandatory minimum pension in Norway

  • Features

    From football to the Karma Sutra

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    Geof Pearson, manager and secretary of the £3.8bn (€5.5bn) Sainsbury pension fund, retired recently after 18 years with the scheme.

  • Features

    Raising the guarantee rate

    October 2007 (Magazine)

    The level of the guaranteed return has long been a matter of heated debate. Now it is to be increased. George Coats examines what will be the impact

  • Features

    Putting the second pillar in place

    October 2007 (Magazine)

    It was a long and stony road to get the system up and running, and George Coats finds there is still a long way to go

  • Features

    Waiting for new regulations

    October 2007 (Magazine)

    Pension managers realise that government policy is not particularly helpful to their industry, George Coats discovers

  • Features

    Finding a half-way house

    October 2007 (Magazine)

    In the aftermath of several scandals,legislation introducing regulatory and governance changes is in the pipeline But, with moves towards regionalisation of supervision, George Coats finds that the debate on the issues is far from over

  • Features

    Dipping a toe into diversification

    October 2007 (Magazine)

    Recent changes are broadening the horizons of traditionally conservative managers, George Coats finds

  • News

    'Pre-talk' talks open on Lithuanian fees


    [12:15 CEST 11-09] LITHUANIA – Pre-negotiation talks are underway in Vilnius between second pillar pension fund providers and authorities who are demanding providers reduce their fees.

  • Features

    LGPS under scrutiny

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    George Coats asks whether the UK’s local government pension scheme would work better if it were more centralised

  • Features

    Bulgaria’s new pensions landscape: looking over the horizon

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    Although now freer to invest, Bulgaria’s pension system struggles against frequent legislative changes, a black economy and corruption, writes George Coats

  • News

    Spanish bank to float investment unit


    [15:00 CEST 04-09] SPAIN - Barcelona-based savings bank La Caixa is to float 20% of its investment arm, Criteria Caixa Corp, in October.

  • News

    Bulgarian pension fund assets hit €1bn


    [15:30 CEST 23-08] BULGARIA – Assets managed by Bulgarian pension fund asset managers have topped the €1bn threshold for the first time, according to the local financial regulator the Financial Supervision Commission (KFN).

  • News

    Bulgaria has 'concentrated' pensions market


    [16:15 CEST 17-08] BULGARIA – There is limited competition in Bulgaria's voluntary pension insurance market, according to the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).

  • News

    Bulgaria to increase pensions


    [16:00 CEST 07-08] BULGARIA – The three parties making up Bulgaria’s coalition government have agreed a 10% increase in state old age pension payments from October.

  • News

    Regulator calls for trustee report feedback


    [13:00 CEST 09-07] IRELAND – The Pensions Board, Ireland’s pensions regulator, has called for written comments on its Report on Trusteeship.

  • News

    Rift evident in PZU’s senior management


    POLAND – Miroslaw Panek, a vice-chairman and member of the PZU executive responsible for finances, has resigned his post after 10 months.

  • Features

    Judgement day nears for TFR

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    The coming weeks will see whether the Italian government’s attempt to resuscitate Italy’s flagging pension system has been a success or failure, writes George Coats

  • Features

    King coal bows out of the industry

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    David Morgan is retiring as CEO of Coal Pension Trustees – the executive arm of the trustees of the £26bn (€38bn) pension schemes of the former British Coal – at the end of July after nine years. George Coats asked him about his career