All articles by George Coats – Page 6

  • News

    Caïla leaves French civil service fund


    [16:00 CEST 19-06] FRANCE – Philippe Caïla is to leave his role as director of the Etablissement de Retraite Additionnnelle de la Fonction Publique (ERAFP), the mandatory supplementary pension scheme of French public servants.

  • Features

    Levelling the playing field

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    George Coats looks at how the Northern Cypriot government is seeking to unify its pensions regime, which currently favours civil servants at the expense of other employees

  • Features

    Committees grapple with pensions deficit

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    George Coats reports on Greek attempts to develop a new investment framework for pension funds and assesses efforts to solve its funding shortfall and governance problems

  • Features

    A man who survived Barings' collapse

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    Jack Johnson retired at the end of last month as pension fund manager at the £1.4bn (€2bn) Berkshire county council pension scheme 12 years with the fund. George Coats interviewed him

  • News

    PAYG system may aid labour market - conference


    [13:20 CEST 01/06] GLOBAL – Substitution of personal pension plans for PAYG systems has a positive effect on employment, net wages, unemployment rates and the labour participation rate, delegates at an international pensions conference have been told.

  • Features

    Moving to diversify

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    George Coats finds that Cypriot pension funds are diversifying their portfolios in line with the EU pensions directive ahead of euro adoption next year

  • Features

    A life in pensions with no regrets

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    Bengt Edström recently retired from his position as pension operations manager and internal consultant at the Swedish power utility Vattenfall Group, and as trustee for Vattenfall’s pensionsstiftelse, the group’s SEK5.5bn (€593m) DB pension vehicle. George Coats interviewed him

  • Features

    Africa rides the Asian zebra

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    South Africa remains the continent’s superpower but Asian economic influence is increasing in Africa, writes George Coats

  • News

    FRR launches transaction cost monitoring mandate


    FRANCE – France’s national pension surplus fund, the €32bn Fonds de réserves pour les retraites (FRR), launched an open RFP today for a service provider to assist in reducing transaction costs.

  • Features

    On track for a new future

    April 2007 (Magazine)

    Last month Johan Vanbuylen retired as director of FBZ Electriciens, the industry-wide pension plan for the Belgian electrical sector, which he had headed since its inception in 2002. The scheme has 40,000 members and €32m under management. George Coats talks to him

  • Features

    CEEC forum aims to promote dialogue

    April 2007 (Magazine)

    The European Federation for Retirement Provision (EFRP) launched a Central & Eastern European Forum (CEEC Forum) at a meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, on 7 March. The forum is designed to bring together representatives from existing EFRP members from the pre-eastward enlargement EU and from private pension institutions operating the mandatory ...

  • News

    CEIOPS details 48 cross-border plans


    EUROPE - In the 15 months between the implementation of the EU pensions directive and the beginning of this year nine cross-border pension arrangements were concluded, according to the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pension Supervisors (CEIOPS).

  • News

    Call for further Lithuanian reform


    LITHUANIA – The level of contributions going into Lithuanian second pillar pension funds should be raised to 10% of salary from the current 5.5%, a conference was told earlier this week.

  • News

    CVC denies Austrian ‘locust’ slur


    AUSTRIA – Private equity investor CVC Capital Partners has announced that it was not responsible for last week’s 30% rise in the share price of Austrian blue chip steelmaker Böhler-Uddeholm.

  • News

    EFRP launches central European offshoot


    EUROPE - The European Federation for Retirement Provision (EFRP) launched a Central & Eastern European Forum (CEEC Forum) at a meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, today.

  • Features

    Love them or loathe them

    March 2007 (Magazine)

    While they play an active role in the UK and Ireland, consultants are far less influential in most other European countries, writes George Coats

  • Features

    Business as usual

    March 2007 (Magazine)

    Despite the new legislation, there has been little change to the status quo in Belgium with the traditional balance between bonds and equities retained, but this is likely to change in the future, writes George Coats

  • News

    Belgian sector fund veteran to retire


    BELGIUM – Johan Vanbuylen is retiring as director of FBZ Electriciens, the industrywide pension plan for Belgium’s electrical sector.

  • News

    French civil servants to put up to €1.2bn in SRI


    FRANCE – BNP Paribas AM, Integral Development AM (IDEAM) and Robeco Institutional AM have been awarded SRI mandates by the funded scheme for French civil servants (ERAFP).