All articles by George Coats – Page 7

  • Features

    Funds' perfect storm

    February 2007 (Magazine)

    The pressures on pension funds are driving the moves to LDI, specialists and overseas managers, but the domestic players are still very much part of the picture. reports

  • Features

    Easing into the gloaming

    February 2007 (Magazine)

    Richard Stroud is retiring as chief executive at The Pensions Trust, a UK multi-employer occupational pension fund for the charitable, social, educational, voluntary and not-for-profit sectors. He will leave at the end of April after nearly three decades with the scheme. George Coats talks to him

  • News

    Collectum to name new ITP managers for initially €440m


    SWEDEN – Next month Collectum, the Swedish organisation that pools money within the country’s ITP programme for white-collar employees, will announce the appointment of asset managers to handle the flow of funds into its new defined contribution scheme.

  • News

    Eurex to offer exchange-traded credit derivatives


    GLOBAL – Eurex plans to launch what it says will be the world’s first exchange-traded credit derivatives contract on 27 March.

  • Features

    Slovakia consolidates its pensions offering

    January 2007 (Magazine)

    Since introducing a mandatory pillar system two years ago Slovakia has seen some local players fall by the wayside, writes George Coats

  • Features

    Elections may delay reform in Romania

    January 2007 (Magazine)

    While on the verge of introducing second and third pillar pension funds, the political will behind the reforms could be on the wane writes George Coats

  • Features

    Reform impetus runs out of steam

    January 2007 (Magazine)

    After making good progess establishing its third pillar, the Czech Republic now finds itself being overtaken by its neighbours, as George Coats reports

  • Features

    Why Portugal favours the domestic touch

    December 2006 (Magazine)

    While mergers have raised the bar in Portugal in terms of services provided by asset managers, it is still a market dominated by local players, as George Coats discovers

  • Features

    Finns wait for dust to settle

    November 2006 (Magazine)

    The Puro reforms are changing the landscape for investors and managers. George Coats reports

  • Features

    Danes ready for next challenges

    November 2006 (Magazine)

    The Danish open door policy ensures a competitive environment for managers. George Coats reports

  • Features

    Hitting the ceiling

    November 2006 (Magazine)

    Lithuania after much delay implemented its successful pensions system in 2004. Now the debate is where to go from here, as George Coats reports

  • Features

    Downturn proves short-lived

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    While the Icelandic stock market fell by 20% last year on fears that the economy was overheating, this scare has proved to be an overreaction, as George Coats reports

  • Features

    Double-digit returns mark goodyear

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    Many funds increased their exposure to equities last year but there were some exceptions to the rule, as George Coats discovers

  • Features

    Moving away from home

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    Funds look global as expectations of a domestic market correction boom, George Coats finds

  • News

    Polish reformer Góra condemns govt plans


    POLAND – Marek Góra, the Warsaw School of Economics professor who was one of the architects of the Polish pension reform, has condemned the Polish government’s pre-pensions proposals, saying they would amount to a “disaster”.

  • News

    Lithuanian pension funds to merge


    LITHUANIA – Invalda AB, the parent company of Finasta Investment Management, has bought Medicinos banko Investment Management.

  • Features

    Managers assess fallout from Swissfirst

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    The Swissfirst scandal has rocked the pensions industry, but managers in Switzerland feel there is no need for root-and-branch reform. George Coats reports

  • Features

    Reviewing options

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    Market setback comes as reform goes back on the agenda. George Coats reports

  • Features

    Missing out on a good thing

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    Regulatory restrictions limited an underfunded pensions sector from taking advantage of last year’s booming equity market, George Coats discovers

  • Features

    Going with traffic lights flow

    October 2006 (Magazine)

    Getting to grips with implementing regulatory changes was the pension funds’ priority last year. George Coats reports