GERMANY – Four German investment companies have teamed up with the BVI, Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management, to offer a three-year on-the-job training programme as investment specialists – the first programme of its kind in Germany.
Starting today 35 ‘students’ will begin their placements with Deka Group, Union Investments Group, Universal and DIT (Allianz-Dresdner Group). Over the period, the individuals will train at the banks, in addition to receiving theoretical tuition at a part-time vocational school in Frankfurt. The programme was set up to train young people in administrative roles for investment companies, said a spokesman for the BVI.
The role of an investment specialist is very varied, and can be employed in all areas of an investment company. The students will work principally in fund accounting and fund controlling as well as in the securities deposit service. In addition they perform preparatory and supporting work for decision-making in the issuing and administration of funds.
The 35 places were fully subscribed this year, but the BVI is hoping that more investment companies will join the programme next year so that more places will be available.
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