All articles by Iain Morse – Page 2
Special Report
OTC Swaps Regulation: Connecting the pipes
EMIR will introduce a huge range of new processes into both centrally-cleared and bilateral derivative trades. Iain Morse outlines the work custodians are facing
Smooth operators
The Swiss are taking pains to make their banks as risk-free as possible to ensure client loyalty, finds Iain Morse
Avoiding the shadows
Iain Morse reports on the growing use of real-time collateral management
All change
Iain Morse finds that the creation of a single, mandatory central settlement depositary later this year will have wide-ranging effects on the trading and settlement of securities in Russia
Custody and banking reform
Iain Morse asks whether European banking reforms will have an adverse impact on securities services providers
There will be no escape
Iain Morse finds that custodians will face greater levels of liability for the assets they safeguard for clients under AIFMD rules
Changed landscape
Iain Morse outlines the effect impending regulations will have on the custody industry and defined benefit pension funds
Country Report
Central and Eastern Europe: National wealth
Iain Morse outlines the development of Russia’s two sovereign wealth funds
Country Report
Central and Eastern Europe: Russia’s hot potato
Iain Morse surveys Russia’s nascent occupational pensions market
Country Report
Central and Eastern Europe: Domestic pressure
Measures by Iceland’s Central Bank to gradually adjust the krona’s exchange rate are forcing pension funds to invest mainly in domestic krona-denominated assets, reports Iain Morse
Swiss challenge
Global custodians are finding Swiss accounting regulations a barrier to its custody and servicing market, writes Iain Morse
A central Asian hub
Kazakhstan’s pension reforms are a success and the country has a sophisticated financial set-up, writes Iain Morse
Ukraine’s stock exchanges pepare for rationalisation
Iain Morse explains why the former member of the Soviet bloc has such a complicated system and why it is difficult to change
Special Report
Securities Services: Security threat
Iain Morse reports on the avalanche of regulation heading the way of securities lending
Special Report
Securities Services: The lowest ebb
Greece’s financial services markets are at rock bottom. Iain Morse assesses the domestic custody market in the face of current tribulations
Special Report
Securities Services: Big is becoming beautiful
The traditional, independent boutique hedge fund administrator will feel the pressure of progressive onshoring and regulation, reports Iain Morse
Opening up custody
Planned merger of Russia’s rival exchanges could clear the way for securities lending, writes Iain Morse
Economic situation mirrored by gifts
“Some of my clients are doin’ real good, some not,” said a Texan attendee at this year’s CFA Annual Conference. “But we are proud to be Americans.”
Special Report
Quant: Down but not out
Each crisis delivers useful lessons to the quants world, writes Iain Morse. What did the last one teach us about the optimal conditions and most dangerous risks for model-driven strategies?