All articles by Iain Morse – Page 3
In pole position to become CEE hub
The Warsaw Stock Exchange is proving a favourite with CEE-originated IPOs and emerging CEE countries. Iain Morse reports
Asset Class Reports
Private Equity: Growth markets of the north
India, China, Brazil? Iain Morse finds that investors are apt to look at the Nordic countries when considering the most attractive places to commit private equity money
Gateways to growing markets
Iain Morse surveys securities services markets in Portugal, Gibraltar and Cyprus
Credit to lending
Many pension funds canned their securities lending programmes outright in 2008 but have now recovered their nerve. However, Iain Morse argues that regulation is now likely to drive the future shape of the industry
Maltese persuasion
Malta is benefiting from the trend of near-shoring in the securities services business, writes Iain Morse
Belgium’s conservative custodians
Iain Morse finds regulation change may force some smaller captive custodians to re-think their business model
Rare all-in business
The Danish pension and asset management industries are big enough to offer global custodians some glittering prizes. The mighty ATP, with assets in excess DKK610bn (€82bn) and effectively part of the state pension system, selected BNY Mellon as its global custodian in 2006.
Swedish giant AP1 applies stringent conditions in global custodian search
EUROPE – Sweden's Första AP-fonden (AP1) is in the process of reviewing its custody arrangements and will set more stringent operating conditions for all applicants.
AP1 gets tough on global custody
In the wake of the crisis, the giant AP1 is looking for a new global custodian and is setting stringent operating conditions. Iain Morse reports
Finns juggle political hot potato
The 2011 general election in Finland could mean the end of the Loppu system. Iain Morse reports
Spanish custody is set for change
Iain Morse reports on the expected effects of Target2 Securities
Special Report
Securities Services: Testing times ahead
With consolidation and growth expected in the European custody markets in the coming years, Luxembourg could be one of the biggest beneficiaries, says Iain Morse
In the centre of things
Iain Morse finds private equity limited partners in central and eastern Europe hungry for long-term capital
Old structures on the way out
Iain Morse reports on the transformation taking place in the Italian custody market
Swiss custodians rule at home
Iain Morse finds that local custodians dominate the Swiss market
Special Report
De-risking drives competition
Iain Morse reports from a cost-conscious UK custody market as trustees aim to comprehend, and lower, their risk exposure
Nordic lights shine
Iain Morse assesses trends in the custody markets of the Nordic countries