Insurance – Page 2
Phoenix Group completes $2.4bn longevity reinsurance transaction
Plus: Northern Bank completes two buy-ins with Aviva
Sweden roundup: Alecta invests $200m via property catastrophe sidecar
Plus: AP3 invests €300m in Verdane impact-focused fund
Special Report
Insurance Linked Securities: developing climate resilience
Insurance Linked Securities (ILS) are an alternative asset class where investors’ returns are primarily linked to the occurrence of natural catastrophes. Since the majority of exposures emanate from climate-related risks, the potential impact of climate change is a key consideration for ILS managers and investors. In parallel, ILS is receiving increased recognition for its inherent ESG-positive characteristics with the critical role insurance plays in helping society develop long-term resilience.
Briefing: Insurance-linked securities
Hurricane Ida in late August and early September caused great damage to the southern coast of the US. Fortunately, for people in this area, insurance policies often cover destructions to their properties. Since covering such damage can lead to severe losses for insurance companies, they are keen to reinsure themselves.
Danica deepens non-life insurance loss in H1 amid tax dispute
Danske’s pensions subsidiary reports 30% year-on-year increase in premiums
Danish FSA drafts rules to outlaw pension firms’ loss-making insurance
Insurance and pension lobby says it’s in everyone’s interest for rules to ensure equal competition
Denmark acts to stop pension firms using insurance as bid sweetener
Danish FSA drafts legislation to force composite undertakings to separate life insurance activities from non-life
Sweden’s insurance lobby applies for PensionsEurope membership
IORP II regulation means Insurance Sweden needs to join PensionsEurope too, says association’s CEO
Insurance group prods FSB for G20 support for private pension systems
2021 Italian G20 presidency seen as opportunity to spotlight benefits of pre-funded retirement savings
Aviva links with Prudential Financial on funded reinsurance deal
Funded reinsurance allows an insurer to transfer both asset risk and longevity risk associated with pension and annuity liabilities
Traditional pension insurance still trumps other savings, says AMF
Swedish pension provider’s year-to-date return rises to 2.2% after end-June 1.4% loss
Söderberg & Partners bags Gabler Insurance Brokers to tackle Norway
Swedish pensions consultancy says acquisition is important step in growth strategy
Metallrente expands insurance consortium for workers protection
Public insurer VKB has generated premium income totalling €8.7bn in 2019
Country Report
Interview: Vincent Chaigneau, Generali Insurance Asset Management
‘We think it is very unlikely that we will witness a v-shaped recovery. The catch-up this summer will be strong, but demand will then be impacted by second-round effects’
Special Report
Zurich Insurance Group: Zurich’s ambition to measure and manage
With ambitious impact targets, Zurich Insurance Group needed to develop a robust framework to measure progress
Where insurers are placing their money
Insurers’ investment decisions can influence economic growth and developments in capital markets
Survey: Insurers anticipate few asset allocation shifts for 2020
Natixis IM: Real estate and alternatives an exception, but regulations limiting moves in this area
Germany's pension insurance fund confirms higher levy
Final rate higher than forecast due to insolvency activity in early months of the second half of the year
Further French IORP vehicle on the cards as Austerlitz seeks switch
Provident institution Austerlitz takes up opportunity to transform status
EIOPA turns to external researchers for help with big questions
Call for research proposals launched in response to growing importance of pension and insurance sectors