NETHERLANDS - One or more Dutch industry-wide pension funds are using IPE-Quest to tender for fixed income and real estate mandates worth $1.2bn (€895m) in total.
The searches QN785 to QN796 are looking for managers for the following core active mandates of $100m each in the US, Japan, pan-Europe and global emerging markets:
- 785: Pan-European government bonds benchmarked against ML EMU Direct Government Index. Minimum tracking error 0.5%, maximum: 1.5%.
- 786: Pan-European corporate bonds following the ML EMU corporate large cap index with a tracking error between 1% and 2%.
- 787: Pan-European High Yield bonds with Merrill Lynch as the benchmark. No tracking error guidelines are stated.
- 788: US government bond benchmarked against the ML US Treasury Master. Tracking error should be between 0.5% and 1.5%.
- 789: US corporate debt with Merrill Lynch as the benchmark with a tracking error between 1% and 2%.
- 790: US high yield bonds to follow the ML Global High Yield index.
- 791: Japan government bonds with Merrill Lynch as the benchmark and a tracking error between 0.5% and 1.5%.
- 792: Japan corporate bonds with Merrill Lynch as the benchmark and a tracking error between 1.0% and 2.0%.
- 793: Japan high yield bonds with Merrill Lynch as the benchmark.
- 794: Global emerging markets government debt indexed against the JP Morgan EMBI Global.
- 795: Global emerging markets corporate debt indexed against the JP Morgan EMBI Global.
- 796: Pan-European real estate benchmarked against EPRA with a tracking error between 2% and 6%.
Interested managers should have a track record of three years. They are required to state performance gross of fees up to March 31 2007.
The minimum assets under management for all mandates is $1bn and $5bn for the firm.
Searches 785 to 790 end April 24, the others one day later.
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