GLOBAL – There are four new searches - for Asian large-cap core equities, UK small-caps, absolute returns and US large-caps - on the IPE-Quest system.
Search QN606 is for actively managed Asia including Japan equities and is for substantially in excess of $100m and may be split between several managers. It’s being conducted by a UK insurance company seeking a manager for part of its unit linked pension funds and the closing date is March 24.
Quest number QN607 is being conducted by a UK corporate pension fund which is seeking a UK small-cap equities manager/s for £100m. The closing date is March 28.
The next (QN608) sees a German investment consultant tender a global absolute return brief for up to $10m. There’s a short deadline of March 24.
Finally, quest QN609 is for up to €150m in long-only US large-cap core equities. It’s being run by a conducted by a continental European pension fund and it closes on March 28.
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