All articles by IPE staff – Page 16

  • Country Report

    AP7 New directive leads to overhaul

    November 2009 (Magazine)

    It is probably fair to say that most pension fund managers are glad that 2009 is coming to an end and are looking towards 2010 with hope and apprehension rather than excitement. In Sweden there are, however, at least two pension fund professionals who are excited about the future.

  • Interviews

    Positive about alternatives

    November 2009 (Magazine)

    How do you integrate alternatives into your portfolio?

  • News

    Two tier governance for Dutch pensions – Mercer


    [15:55 CET 26-10] NETHERLANDS - Dutch pension legislation should favour a two-tier model of pension governance including a supervisory council (raad van toezicht), writes Jan-Daan Recourt, pension lawyer at Mercer in Amsterdam, for our Dutch sister publication IPN.

  • Opinion Pieces

    Guest Viewpoint

    September 2009 (Magazine)

    Target date: “There is ample room for added value between one size-fits-all solutions and do-it-yourself approaches to long-term investment decisions”

  • Interviews

    New opportunities

    July 2009 (Magazine)

    How do you invest in emerging market equities?

  • Features

    Crunch-time commodities

    June 2009 (Magazine)

    Oil prices have driven a commodities rally this spring as crude rose from its low of early 2009. How is this backdrop affecting investors’ attitudes towards commodities? This month’s Off The Record survey sampled pension funds’ attitude towards commodities.

  • Interviews

    Passive versus active

    June 2009 (Magazine)

  • Features

    More than a euro/dollar play?

    June 2009 (Magazine)

    This month’s Off The Record survey looked at pension funds attitudes towards currency management

  • Features

    Diary of an Investor: Nimble and flexible

    June 2009 (Magazine)

    The Amsterdam rain is falling against the windows as we see a market rally on the computer screens. All good timing for the conference I am attending with the theme ‘What now for Pension Funds?’

  • Features

    A risky business

    April 2009 (Magazine)

    It’s no exaggeration to say that the parameters of investment risk and reward were thrown out in the final three months of 2008 following the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, as markets plunged at a time when interest rates plummeted and investment correlations approached zero.

  • Interviews

    Increase the checks and balances

    April 2009 (Magazine)

    On The Record: How are you dealing with risk management in the current climate?

  • News

    FSP returns hit across all classes


    [16:00 CET 19-03] DENMARK – FSP Pension, the Danish pension provider, saw its assets reduce by DKK1.4bn (€180m) last year, after suffering even higher losses on its investments.

  • News

    Trustee knowledge maximises consultancy service


    [16:50 CET 17-03] EUROPE – Pension fund executives and trustees can get more from their relationships with and the services delivered by consultants by improving their own knowledge base, suggests a study conducted by IPE.

  • News

    Crisis increases demands on consultants


    [16:00 CET 10-03] EUROPE – Pensions and investment consultants say they now expect to face higher scrutiny of their own services by clients as well as challenges to the advice they give, as a result of the recent financial crisis.

  • Interviews

    In touch with the market

    March 2009 (Magazine)

    How do you make use of consultants?

  • Exit Interview

    Exit Interview

    March 2009 (Magazine)

    Alick Stevenson recently retired as director of investments at the UK’s £3bn (€3.24bn) Merchant Navy Officers Pension Fund, after six and a half years

  • It’s crucial to be selective

    It’s crucial to be selective

    March 2009 (Magazine)

    On The Record: Do you see opportunities in credit?

  • Can’t live with them, can’t live without them

    Can’t live with them, can’t live without them

    March 2009 (Magazine)

    Pension funds tend to hire investment consultants for reasons such as their specialist knowledge and ability to provide independent advice. But do they hold up to these expectations?

  • A very private affair

    A very private affair

    March 2009 (Magazine)

    Listed equities have fallen out of favour with most European pension funds since the financial crisis struck last year. How has private equity fared?

  • Industry-wide fund screens for global emerging markets

    Industry-wide fund screens for global emerging markets


    [16:00 CET 07-01] EUROPE – A European industry wide pension fund has posted a search for an investment management firm to provide investment management services for a global emerging markets equity mandate, using IPE-Quest.