IPE's Italy Coverage – Page 7
Italian government defines stringent requirement for early retirement
One of the changes includes women asking for early retirement under the ‘Opzione Donna’ at 61, instead of 60, and 35 years of contributions
Fon.Te ups private market investments to €560m
The scheme has invested 70% of the sum in the real economy in Italy through impact-investing strategies
Adepp and ABV to strengthen bond at international level
The associations agreed to strengthen joint actions through a position paper on topics of interest to pension funds for professionals
Italian first pillar-schemes pay €2.6bn in taxes
Tax regime continues to cause ‘distortions’, says private pension funds association Adepp
Inarcassa to up private markets allocation with private debt investments
The scheme has conducted a new round of investments in 13 new vehicles for total commitments of over €240m
Fondaereo plans to turn into a cross-border European scheme
The pension scheme has also reorganised its investment sub-funds, reducing them from four to three
Italian pension funds see number of members increase in Q3
Industry-wide pension funds added 188,000 members so far this year, compared with the end of 2022, a 4.9% increase, for a total of almost 4 million members
Monte dei Paschi scheme starts manager selection for private markets investment
The pension fund will invest €135m in infrastructure, real estate and private debt AIFs
Fondo Pegaso adopts ESG index in latest manager selection tenders
The index takes into account key aspects including asset managers’ governance, corporate culture, and their commitment towards sustainability goals
Italian government faces backlash on targeted pension changes
The government has this week introduced the budget law to the Senate to start the approval process
Inarcassa’s new strategy sees cuts to equity in favour of bonds, infrastructure
Assets under management for first-pillar pension schemes, according to pension regulator Covip
Fondo Pegaso issues tenders for bonds, multi-asset mandates
The scheme plans to select three managers for an active bond aggregate strategy and one manager for two semi-active multi-asset type briefs
Energy company set to pay ‘largest ever step-up’ on sustainability-linked bonds
Think tank predicts that Italy’s Enel will miss its targets because of government policy
Inarcassa considers higher exposure to illiquids, infrastructure
The next strategic asset allocation could lead to wiping out liquid alternative investments from the scheme’s portfolio
Italy’s managers union starts legal action against INPS and government
CIDA has filed seven lawsuits for a law blocking full adjustment of pensions to inflation
Italian pension fund quartet boosts private equity investments
Asset manager Neuberger Berman will invest in buyout and growth strategies, and mainly in companies operating in Italy
Italian trade unions push government to bolster second pillar system
CGIL, UIL, and CISL believe it is unacceptable to finance a private association to promote supplementary pensions
Special Report
Italy: Government eyes pension reform despite lack of resources
Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing government wants to lower retirement age and secure retirement income for young workers, but it faces an uphill battle against inflation
Historic low birth rate could make Italy’s pension reform efforts ineffective
The government intends to reform its tax system to cut the burden on companies employing women with children and large families
Unicredit pension fund closes down alternatives sub-funds
The fund for alternative investments Effepilux Sif-Sicav fund will become a real estate Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)