All articles by Jan Wagner – Page 32

  • News

    Pensions directive at risk amid German vote


    GERMANY - Germany could miss the deadline for transposing the directive on occupational pensions if early elections take place, pension experts say.

  • News

    Watson Wyatt names German investment head


    GERMANY - Watson Wyatt’s Munich office has hired a senior manager from investment consulting firm FERI to head its German investment consulting team. (Updates with Watson comment.)

  • News

    German BVI sees no need to regulate hedge funds


    GERMANY - Fund industry association BVI has urged the government not to tighten regulation of hedge funds active in Germany, arguing that current rules are sufficient.

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    DeAM disputes German asset figures


    GERMANY - Deutsche Asset Management has disputed the latest institutional fund statistics from industry association BVI, saying the figures grossly understate its ranking in the German market.

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    Pensions a “massive market” says Allianz


    GERMANY - German insurance giant Allianz says the private retirement field is a “massive market”.

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    Germany’s PAYG reserve falls to new low


    GERMANY - The sustainable reserve for Germany’s state-run pay-as-you-go pensions scheme hit a new low in April, sparking fears that the reserve may be too small to cover estimated deficits for this year and next.

  • News

    Germany’s Riester pensions start to take off


    GERMANY – Sales of the so-called Riester pensions seem to be taking off, according to new figures from insurance firm AMB Generali.

  • News

    Commerzbank to pull plug on Pensor (Update)


    GERMANY - Germany’s Commerzbank is in the midst of selling a majority stake in Pensor Pensionsfonds, an equity-oriented pension vehicle created by the Riester reforms of 2001, due to dissatisfaction with the fund’s performance so far, IPE has learned. (Updates with extra comment)

  • News

    Standard Life hires ex-DeAM institutional exec


    EUROPE - Standard Life Investments has appointed Mark Connolly, a former institutional sales executive at Deutsche Asset Management in the UK, as its new executive director for distribution and client service.

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    Ex-Citigroup arm First Private names economist


    GERMANY - First Private KAG, the former German institutional arm of Citigroup Asset Management, has appointed a new chief economist whose chief role will be to analyse developments on international bond and foreign exchange markets.

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    Germany’s MLP taps Alpha for €800m


    GERMANY - Investment consultant Alpha Portfolio Advisors says it has been awarded €800m by independent financial advisory firm MLP.

  • News

    ABN Amro Mellon poaches DB's Korsanke


    EUROPE - ABN Amro Mellon Global Securities Services has poached Robert Korsanke from Deutsche Bank as the new senior sales manager for its Frankfurt office.

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    ABA-Pensionskassen can reduce rate of return


    GERMANY - Pensionskassen, one of the mainstays of German pension funding, may lower their guranteed rate of return on savings from 2.75% currently to between 2.25% and 2.0% from January 2007, according to the head of Aba’s Pensionskassen section.

  • News

    ABA report: Big ‘rise’ in German second pillar coverage


    GERMANY - Around 60% of employees in the country’s private sector currently own some type of an occupational pension, up from 38% at the beginning of 2002, the German occupational pensions lobby aba has reported.

  • News

    Allianz sees Euro 16 trillion pensions market by 2015


    GERMANY - Europe’s market for occupational and private pensions should more than double to euro 16.4 trillion in 2015 from around euro 7.4 trillion currently, as governments promote greater reliance on second- and third-pillar pensions, according to a new study by Allianz Global Investors (AGI).

  • News

    ABA Meeting: Opposition confirms pensions tax benefits


    Germany – The conservative opposition in Germany would make permanent the tax exemption for employee contributions under the so-called Riester pension if it comes to power after next year’s federal election, according to a senior party official.

  • News

    Germany: 2006 pension freeze is “speculation”


    GERMANY - The German social affairs ministry says a newspaper report indicating that the government is likely to bar an increase in the state pension for the third consecutive time in 2006 is “total speculation”.

  • Features

    Risk, return and pension funds

    May 2005 (Magazine)

    When it comes to economic policy, there is much to criticise about the centre-left government of German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder. Despite an unemployment rate not seen since the 1930s – namely around 5m – Schröder’s government is still not doing enough to make Germany’s labour market more flexible. Schröder’s government ...