All articles by Jeremy Woolfe – Page 14

  • Features

    Solvency II nears maturity

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    International ambitions for Solvency II emerge as reforms for capital adequacy take shape, writes Jeremy Woolfe

  • News

    Own assessment proposal for Solvency II


    [16:45 CEST 11-07] EUROPE - The European Commission's long awaited Solvency II proposal to upgrade legislation for the insurance industry would have insurers assessing their own capital needs in light of all risks by means of a so-called 'own risk and solvency assessment'(ORSA).

  • Features

    An inequitable situation

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    The UK Equitable Life scandal shows the need for consumer confidence in financial services, writes Jeremy Woolfe

  • Features

    EU ponders class action

    June 2007 (Magazine)

    Brussels turns its attention to share owners, reports Jeremy Woolfe

  • Features

    Smooth progress for UCITs programme

    May 2007 (Magazine)

    As investors are faced with an increasingly pan-European market for pensions investment, UCITS III aims to make cross-border co-operation between funds simpler. Jeremy Woolfe reports

  • Features

    Lobby group attacks pan-European move

    March 2007 (Magazine)

    Brussels-based body representing US companies blames lack of mobility of EU workers on tax obstacles and poor co-ordination, as Jeremy Woolf reports

  • Features

    Critics round on portability draft

    March 2007 (Magazine)

    Whatever the EU Council decides on portability, it is unlikely to please everyone and could take another 10 years to be implemented. Jeremy Woolfe reports

  • Features

    EU focuses on later retirement

    February 2007 (Magazine)

    How to encourage people to work longer was a dominant theme of a recent pensions study published by the EC, as Jeremy Woolf reports

  • Features

    Finnish proposal garners support

    January 2007 (Magazine)

    Twenty five EU member states are backing a diluted version of the directive on portability of supplementary pensions, as Jeremy Woolf reports

  • Features

    One share, one vote

    December 2006 (Magazine)

    US research suggests that the one share, one vote principle could benefit corporate efficiency. Brussels is looking at the issue but will it take heed, asks Jeremy Woolf

  • Features

    Ready for MiFID thunderbolt?

    November 2006 (Magazine)

    The different countdowns to the implementation of the MiFID directive freeing cross border securities sales are well under way, says Jeremy Woolf