All articles by John Lappin – Page 8
Change at political pace
With a new pensions law in place, the investment climate in France is changing, despite the government’s timidity on financial reform and public opposition to planned privatisations. John Lappin reports The historic exterior of the Paris Bourse belies the dynamism with which it is stealing a march on other markets ...
Norway: Running with the bulls
With the factors driving Norway’s bull market still very much in place, the question is not whether it will continue to grow but how far. The market, reflecting a booming oil-driven economy has increased by 10% since the start of the year. With most indicators predicting continued growth the biggest ...
New law means all change for French pensions
France’s long-awaited Pensions Law finally arrives, reports John Lappin
Setting a global standard
Thirteen European countries, expanding from a core group of eight, are participating in a project to produce European and global standards for investment performance measurement. The momentum for establishing recognised standards come from different bodies depending on the country, according to Dugald Eadie, chairman of the European Federation of Financial ...
In the relationship game
Employers are more concerned with being able to work with consultants than with the cost, writes John Lappin
Germany: The Frankfurt market
The Frankfurt stock market is represented by the holding company Deutsche Börse AG. It has 250 members and over 75% of German market share and is responsible for the settlement of all exchange transactions in securities and futures in Germany. It operates the only German futures exchange, the Deutsche Terminbörse ...
UK: Discounting the election
The general election’s impact on the markets will be limited but, according to UK analysts, it will mark a dividing line for activity in both the bond and equity markets. Whoever wins will inherit a relatively benign economic picture. At Commerzbank in London, treasurer and deputy general manager Jean-Michael D’Oultremont ...
Swiss chafe at overseas limit
Swiss pension fund managers who outperformed the Swiss market last year hope to do so again in 1997, but are concerned about prospective levels of returns. The approach will need to be highly selective, says one manager. His favoured stocks are pharmaceuticals and fi-nancials, and he has plans to increase ...
Switzerland: Caution and consolidation are watch words
After market increases of 25% in 1995 and 19% in 1996, Swiss analysts are urging caution. “We advise some hedging of positions after last year,” says Bert Röegsegger, head of research at ATAG Asset Management in Berne, “though we are also advising investors not to sell”. Increased profits for Swiss ...
Funds fight tax cases in US courts
British and Dutch pension funds, most notably PGGM, are involved in litigation in the USA or have cases pending which will clarify their tax status and could bring millions of dollars worth of rebates. The funds hope to claim a rebate on withholding tax from the Internal Revenue Service on ...
Together but apart
As demands grow for international reach, consultants are organising themselves into networks. John Lappin reports. Multinational companies are increasingly considering the pension needs of employees on an international basis. They look to consultants to provide local knowledge backed by international reach. Many actuarial partnerships have attempted to meet this demand ...
Swiss scheme goes all domestic
The global custody portfolio of Switzerland’s AHV fund, which services national pension and social payments, is due to be awarded to Swiss Bank Corporation because it has the most competitive rates. At the time of going to press, the contract had not been signed, but both Joseph Hofstetter, manager of ...
Germany: Dawning of the age of equities
The German markets appear to have ditched their reliable and safe image, emerging from 1996 as well-equipped and dynamic enough to cope with the volatile eco-climate
Spanish regulations delayed again
The appointment of a new director general to the Spanish Insurance Directorate could delay publication of regulations required by companies to comply with a 1995 Spanish pensions law. Under the law, the deadline for conversion from book reserves to externally funded schemes is May 1999, but the appointment of Pilar ...