All articles by Jonathan Williams – Page 41
Scania and the benefits of independence
Volkswagen’s bid for heavy vehicle manufacturer Scania has divided Swedish institutional investors, with the division no more apparent than among its buffer funds.
PPF considers levy-transition protection for some UK defined benefit schemes
Proposal to limit levy increases for those most impacted by new bespoke model dependant on PPF universe paying difference
Norway oil fund urged to emulate CPPIB approach to real estate
Review of Norges Bank’s approach to active management urges use of opportunity cost model across all asset classes
UK accused of schizophrenia over risk-sharing pensions policy
Opposition party calls for improved governance framework in move towards collective DC
PIMCO warns of sustained periods of uncertainty in fixed income market
Deputy CIO predicts ECB will be forced into asset purchases if it takes 2% inflation target ‘seriously’
PensionsEurope questions benefit of IORP II to long-term investment
Group also expresses doubts on Risk Evaluation for Pensions, ‘meaningless’ depository requirements
Germany's auditor fund shuns property currency risk
Managing director of WPV says he does not see point of investing overseas if cost of hedging outweighs benefits
EIOPA touts cross-border schemes' ability to enter lending market
European regulator’s head of policy says lending would be easier for large cross-border funds than for national entities
Collective labour agreements must lead pension change, says German minister
Labour and Social Affairs minister expresses ‘annoyance’ with Portability Directive
Reformed AP Fund system could consolidate property holdings
Swedish minister says cross-party group considering changes to buffer fund system could consolidate ‘costly’ unlisted holdings into single vehicle
Norwegian oil fund suffers losses on emerging market equities
Government Pension Fund Global boosts Mexican, Brazilian debt at expense of German, Swedish issuances
East Riding scheme sees advantages in dislocation of credit markets
Local authority pension fund’s head of investment sees window of opportunity extending beyond initial five-year period
AP buffer funds' new system must have 'room for manoeuvre'
Reform of buffer fund system, including introduction of benchmark reference portfolio, ‘must ensure funds are not restrained’
Country Report
Nordic Region: Sweden: And then there were three
This March, the Swedish government confirmed it would merge some of the AP buffer funds, reducing the total to three from the current five. Jonathan Williams asked State Secretary Erik Thedéen about the closures and the removal of quantitative investment rules
Country Report
Nordic Region: Chasing real yields
Jonathan Williams examines how real assets play a role in the portfolios of Nordic investors in the low-yield environment
Creativity in captivity
After Iceland’s banking collapse, capital restrictions meant pension funds had to invest significant assets in the domestic market. Gylfi Jónasson, CEO of the Festa Pension Fund tells Jonathan Williams that being captive does not have to breed contempt
Country Report
Nordic Region: Iceland Deflating the bubble
Iceland’s post-crisis capital controls left pension funds chasing limited domestic assets, writes Jonathan Williams. The hope is that a resurgent economy will allay the risk of a bubble
Finnish pension funds raise concerns over Ukraine conflict
Investors concerned about fallout of political standoff between Ukraine and neighbouring Russia