All articles by Joseph Mariathasan. – Page 2
Opinion Pieces
Joseph Mariathasan: The UK should set up a sovereign wealth fund
Britain faces the prospect of an ageing population with a consequent rise in its dependency ratio, and an economy in decline relative to the rest of the world.
Asset Class Reports
Global Equities: One world
The convergence of emerging and developed markets argues for integrated global portfolios. But Joseph Mariathasan finds that investors taking this approach could miss out on the best opportunities
Asset Class Reports
Global Equities: Jam today
A low-yielding environment makes an increasingly powerful case for dividend income in pension portfolios, writes Joseph Mariathasan
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Risk-free no longer
Joseph Mariathasan looks at how investors are adapting to the new world of sovereign bond risk
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: The world’s shallowest cliff
Rock-bottom yields and a poor debt outlook – brought into focus by the ‘fiscal cliff’ – make US Treasuries a tough ‘safe haven’ to love, finds Joseph Mariathsan
Asset Class Reports
Emerging Market Debt: Blurring the lines
Many emerging market credits look better than most in the developed world. But Joseph Mariathasan finds that progress towards approaching global sovereign debt as a single asset class has been slow
Asset Class Reports
Emerging Market Debt: The real issue
Do negative real rates in inflating economies make a case for taking emerging currency exposure without the bond duration? Joseph Mariathasan finds a complex picture
Asset Class Reports
Structured Credit & Loans: A structural spread
European loans seem to offer compelling value against the US market. But Joseph Mariathasan uncovers some telling structural disadvantages on this side of the Atlantic
Asset Class Reports
Structured Credit & Loans: Collateral damage
Tarred with the same brush as the US securities that sparked the 2008 crisis, Europe’s ABS are shunned by investors and regulators alike. Joseph Mariathasan finds that pension funds might be the key to bringing depth to the market again
Special Report
Risk Parity: Risk parity for a single asset class
Pure risk parity just about works in a multi-asset class context. For individual asset classes, Joseph Mariathasan finds that it needs to be constrained and adapted – but still offers a useful corrective to the biases of the cap-weighted portfolio
Asset Class Reports
US Equities: Squeezing the last drops
US corporate margins have expanded impressively since the crisis. Joseph Mariathasan asks where the next wave of growth is going to come from
Asset Class Reports
Private Equity: Pioneering spirit
In frontier markets, private equity is often the first source of investment for business. However, as Joseph Mariathasan reports, there are pitfalls as well as the opportunities
Asset Class Reports
Private Equity: Escaping the crowd
Overview Supplying the mid-market Joseph Mariathasan finds a changing environment altering how established managers approach the market – which in turn alters the market itself
Asset Class Reports
Credit: The cleanest dirty shirt
Non-financial corporate credit is perfectly poised for the macro environment, but spreads are tight – and other areas of the credit spectrum present considerable risks. Joseph Mariathasan reports
Asset Class Reports
European Equities: A stockpickers’ environment…
… if you can wait a decade for active risk to pay off. Joseph Mariathasan finds managers enjoying rich pickings for the long term, by taking account of – but also looking through – the dominant macro themes
Asset Class Reports
Small & Mid-Caps: The small-cap dilemma
Small-caps promise so much as an asset class. But Joseph Mariathasan outlines just how difficult it can be to create a viable business out of managing them
Asset Class Reports
Emerging Market Equities: Tide of history
Emerging markets, and their trade relationships with one another and the rest of the world, are changing. Traditional investment frameworks are struggling to remain relevant, writes Joseph Mariathasan
Special Report
Latin America: Domestic influences
To gain exposure to the domestic story, investors need to dig below the global LBO activity that has dominated the region, finds Joseph Mariathasan
Asset Class Reports
Hedge Funds: Carving a new niche
Hedge funds are booming – but funds of funds are not. Joseph Mariathasan outlines the ways in which the intermediaries are re-thinking their role
Asset Class Reports
Global Equities: Maintain concentration
Perhaps surprisingly, Joseph Mariathasan finds that well-managed active risk has paid off for global equity funds over recent years