All articles by Joseph Mariathasan. – Page 6
After the turmoil
While many investors have been left with severe losses, the massive dislocations raise new opportunities for those brave enough to enter the marketplace, Joseph Mariathasan finds
Looking for love and money in trying times
Now that the credit crunch has added to private equity’s usual challenges of political sniping, difficulties around valuations, illiquidity and manager selection, Joseph Mariathasan assesses the outlook for the mega-deal and mid-market players
Dealing with volatility
Finding global equity managers likely to thrive in the current market environment will be difficult. Joseph Mariathasan asks which approaches are likely to do most well
The ups and downs of volatility
Joseph Mariathasan examines the impact of the recent market turmoil on the credit markets and asks where opportunities for institutions in 2008
Unlocking the buyout market
The UK’s pension buyout sector has generated attention and controversy in almost equal measure. Joseph Mariathasan discusses business models and future trends with leading players
Switching styles
If large cap growth continues to outperform small cap and value, how will institutions find the right growth managers? Joseph Mariathasan reports
Going global in fixed income
The liquidity crisis in the credit market caused by the US sub-prime upheaval is prompting institutions to switch their allocation from local to global fixed income. Joseph Mariathasan explains why and considers the implications.
The elusive small cap gold
Large cap stocks may be set to outperform small caps, but the best active managers will be able to find opportunities whatever the market environment, says Joseph Mariathasan
A new triumph for economic liberalisation?
Frontier emerging markets are attracting interest. Proponents say they are a natural step in a rapidly developing and globalising economy and not just a reaction to overvaluations in the other emerging markets. Joseph Mariathasan explores the latest additions to the investible world
Allocating decision making
Joseph Mariathasan assesses who is best placed to assume asset allocation decision making for pension funds
EMD overcomes credit concerns
Investors are warming to emerging market debt. In fact it has proved something of a safe haven during the recent sub-prime debacle. Joseph Mariathasan assesses the asset class
A large cap renaissance
Is it politics or economics that is increasing the scope for US large caps? Joseph Mariathasan asks what approach should be taken in the world’s most heavily researched equity market?
Assessing the strategy
What is fuelling the rash of 130/30 products? And are they a legitimate relaxation of unnecessary constraints or a pernicious hybrid that combines the worst aspects of long-only managers’ asset-gathering philosophy and hedge fund-style fees? Joseph Mariathasan examines the drivers and drawbacks of 130/30 strategies
Bringing skill to the fore
Fixed income managers in Europe are increasingly targeting areas such as derivatives, currency and emerging markets but, as Joseph Mariathasan discovers, not everyone excels at shouldering this extra responsibility
Transferable skills
Bond managers’ expertise in macro economics and sector analysis can be applied to top-down equity portfolios. Joseph Mariathasan reports
Boom or bust?
Joseph Mariathasan asks whether the growth experienced in emerging market equites in recent years is sustainable and considers whether now is the right time to be increasing exposure to the sector
Breaking the shackles of long only
Whether you call them 130/30, 1X0/SX0, short-extension or short-enabled strategies, they are a hot topic for managers and investors, and have attracted estimated $50bn in invested assets. Hitherto largely the province of quant managers, fundamental managers are now looking to join the party. But although in theory the strategy offers ...
Making bond mandates more flexible
The wide pool of fixed income prospects in the US means that managers are increasingly likely to fish there, finds Joseph Mariathasan, especially given the rise of unconstrained mandates on the part of pension funds running an LDI approach. But investors need to be aware of the pitfalls, as well as the benefits, of the US bond market