All articles by Joseph Mariathasan. – Page 9
In the shadow of cash
For institutional investors, seeing significant amounts of cash among their assets can be irritating even if their guidelines allow fund managers to have up to 5% in cash. In general, they would naturally prefer to be fully invested in the asset class that they have designated the investment to be ...
Is passive passé?
Passive investment in equities is often seen as synonymous with indexation, a ‘low risk’ approach to investment that also has the advantage of low fees. However, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing and nowhere is this morew true than in the world of investment. During the TMT boom, ...
Ready for a shake-out
In the world of equities, much of the complexity of risk assessment and management has been simplified through the development of capitalisation-weighted indices and the spectacular growth of indexed funds on the back of this. At first sight, it appears a straightforward extension to apply the same approach to the ...
A bridge too far?
Institutional investors who view private equity generally as high risk may see investing in private equity in emerging markets as a bridge too far. The experience of the 1990s would only confirm this view as results have been disappointing in both absolute terms and also relative to private equity funds ...
Reconciling different shareholders' views
There are essentially four major players in the provision of and management of pensions. An understanding of the objectives of each can be very illuminating when considering how they should and how they actually do interact with each other. This ‘Game Theory’ formulation has a clear, explicit macro objective, namely, ...