All articles by Julie Henderson – Page 15
Hewitt buys remaining stake in German merger
[13:00 CEST 02-07] GERMANY - Hewitt Associates has bought the remaining stake in the German consultancy joint venture known as BodeHewitt and is hoping to complete the merger of Hewitt Associates Germany by the end of this year.
Three-year deficit high to force equity shift and scheme closures
[16:45 01-07] UK – Latest predicted returns figures for the UK defined benefit pensions market saw funds’ deficits hit their highest levels last month for three years, according to consultants who say further changes must be expected if pressure is to be eased on employers.
Wednesday people roundup
[15:00 CEST 01-07] GLOBAL - Japan Tobacco International, USS, AEIP, SGCIB, Standard Life Investments, Gartmore, UBS, Rowanmoor Pensions, JER, AMB Property Corp, F&C Reit, CBRE, IPD.
USS to invest in evolving hedge funds market
[16:45 CESt 30-06] GLOBAL – The Universities Superannuation Scheme, the UK’s second-largest pension fund, is to begin investing in single strategy hedge funds as officials say they can now get access to the big named brands and corporate governance conditions are improving.
Asset managers still fail to address risk
[16:10 CEST 29-06] GLOBAL – Asset managers have yet to implement effective risk management to their practices and product development and could therefore cause further damage to their clients, suggests a study conducted by Ernst & Young, as many risk managers are still not being given the information or access ...
Consultancy merger to create Towers Watson
[10:10 CEST 29-06] GLOBAL – Pensions and investment consultancy giants Towers Perrin and Watson Wyatt have announced plans to merge their operation, in a deal which values the combined operation at $3.5bn (€2.48bn).
Investment tide turning towards Japan?
[13:30 CEST 26-06] GLOBAL - Fund managers and investors are turning their attention to the Japanese equity market again as some officials claim the economic downturn means larger Japanese firms may be better equipped to meet the pressures than in other countries.
DC recovery needs another nine months – Aon
[16:30 CEST 25-06] UK – Investments in defined contribution pension funds may have seen positive returns for three months in a row but it will take at least another nine months of similar returns to pull assets back to 2007 levels, according to analysis by Aon Consulting.
USS goes in search of private equity expertise
[15:00 CEST 25-06] UK – USS, the UK’s second-largest defined benefit pension scheme, is expanding its alternative investments team again but is this time turning its attention to private equity.
APG deems ESG essential in IT contract
[16:15 CEST 24-06] NETHERLANDS – APG Group, the asset management arm of the ABP pension fund, has signed a 10-year deal to have Cofely Netherlands look after its IT as the running of its new data centre in Masstricht has a strong environmental and social governance focus.
Wednesday people roundup
[14:00 CEST 24-06] GLOBAL – AEIP, EFAMA, Newscape Capital Group, Liontrust, Gartmore, Cordea Savills, Aviva Investors, Xafinity, Cheyne Capital Management
European investors display manager search activity
[16:45 CEST 23-06] EUROPE – Three institutional investors, including two continental European pension funds, are looking to hire asset managers for specialist equity mandates, using IPE Quest.
Balanced pension funds pull back short-term gains
[16:25 CEST 23-06] UK – There is now evidence of improvement to three-year equity returns to pension fund assets, as the latest BNY Mellon CAPS pooled pension fund figures show, in the main, assets have continued to recover.
OECD fears pensions backtrack in economic pressure
[16:00 CEST 23-06] GLOBAL – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has warned governments should not to try and deal with short-term challenges in economic conditions by postponing pension reforms as the longer-term impact could be more damaging further down the road.
Investment Solutions to deliver 'real' fiduciary management
[16:15 CEST 22-06] UK – Investment Solutions, a UK multi-manager division of Alexander Forbes, has attacked rival investment consultancies for what is says is abuse of the term ‘fiduciary management’.
FRR lowers equity holding in strategic review
[16:55 CEST 19-06] FRANCE – FRR, the French national pension fund, has completed its strategic asset allocation review and effectively split equities and bonds holdings as well as introduce new standards on the level of returns and volatility set.
Mortality projections model tailored to user needs
[16:30 CEST 19-06] UK - The UK Actuarial Profession has unveiled a prototype mortality model for projecting increases in life expectancy which it believes will better reflect recent mortality rates and trends.
Donner to close ‘levensloop’ hole
[16:00 CEST 19-06] NETHERLANDS - Social affairs’ minister Piet Hein Donner has announced measures to prevent workers who have taken early retirement under the tax-friendly ‘levensloop’ savings scheme from also taking advantage of the tax-facilitated ‘doorwerkbonus’, or non-stop bonus, which is meant to encourage longer working.
Shareholders must do more on governance - OECD
[15:00 CEST 19-06] GLOBAL – The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has warned shareholders need to be more proactive as owners if corporate governance is to improve globally.
PfZW recovers to 100%
[16:15 CEST 18-06] NETHERLANDS – Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn, the industry-wide pension fund for the healthcare industry, saw its cover ratio rise back up to 100% by the end of May and its assets climb to €74.4bn.