All articles by Julie Henderson – Page 18
Pensions to be 'unaffected' by GM Europe takeover
[16:00 CEST 02-06] EUROPE – Officials at GM Europe say their European pension schemes should be unaffected by the proposed takeover by a Canadian firm, although public figures are not available to deduce the extent of the car manufacturer’s European pensions liabilities.
Danish fund looks east for pension gains
[17:05 CEST 01-06] IPE-QUEST - A Danish pension fund is looking to invest in actively-managed Asian equities via IPE-Quest.
Shell ordered to pay €316m class action settlement
[16:45 CEST 01-06] EUROPE – Pension funds and institutional investors of a securities class action against Royal Dutch Shell have won a higher compensation payout than earlier expected, following a landmark decision by the Amsterdam Court of Appeals.
Cardano to tackle Express Group’s pension solvency
[15:45 CEST 01-06] UK – The UK office of consulting firm Cardano has been appointed as the ‘solvency manager’ to the trustees of the Express Newspapers 1988 Pension Fund.
Mercer adapts service to aid dynamic de-risking
[15:30 CEST 01-06] UK – Mercer, the consulting firm, has created a spin-off to its implementing consulting service for the UK pensions market, to allow trustees to delegate much of the day-to-day decision-making related to funding levels.
Special Report
Seeing the wood for the trees
Timberland is growing in favour as distressed sales make the investment affordable. Nina Röhrbein discusses the sustainability aspects
Country Report
Location, location…
The Competence Centre for Pension Research of Tilburg University and the Dutch Circle for Pension Specialists organised a debate to determine the best location for pan-European pension funds. Peter Schonewille reports
Special Report
Keep it simple
Choosing collateral and counterparty wisely will help to mitigate substantially against the future risk of default in securities lending, finds Iain Morse
Bounty hunt
Many people assume that German pension fund asset allocation is a conservative game. But it is famously the exceptions that prove the rule.
Country Report
A cautiously traditional approach
Popular sentiment as well as well as restrictive regulation limits the asset allocation of Turkish pension funds to all but the most basic assets, notes Reeta Paakkinen
Get the message across
For many pension funds, communication with members has been a case of going through the motions and complying with minimum legal requirements. But enter a monumental financial crisis and good communication suddenly becomes of crucial important.
AP funds told to review costs and operations
[16:00 CEST 29-05] SWEDEN – The Swedish government has launched a review of the Swedish AP funds' costs management in light of last year’s poor investment performance, which suggests the merger of some operations has not been ruled out.
IASB admits 'unintended consequences' to IFRIC 14
[13:00 CEST 29-05] GLOBAL – The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has unveiled proposed amendments to IFRIC 14 rules concerning pensions minimum funding rules shown on the balance sheets as officials say “unintended consequences” mean some prepayments are not shown as an asset.
EC to replace CEIOPS (updated)
[14:15 CEST 28-05] EUROPE – The European Commission is proposing to replace the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) with a new pensions authority in 2010, which it hopes will significantly improve cross-border cooperation and understanding between regulators.
Mn farms a fresh fiduciary contract
[16:45 CEST 27-05] NETHERLANDS – Mn Services has been appointed to act as the fiduciary asset manager and strategic adviser to Pensioenfonds Productschappen, the €365m pension fund for the Dutch commodity boards.
Wednesday people roundup
[15:45 CEST 27-05] GLOBAL – People roundup: AP1, IASCF, Ipes, Osmosis Capital, Carnegie Investment Bank
Investment triggers 'could derisk pensions'
[17:10 CEST 22-05] GLOBAL – Applying some form of ‘trigger point’ at which investment returns could be collected might be a way of derisking pension schemes and removing the emotional draw some trustees attach to certain assets, suggests consulting firm Lane, Clark & Peacock.
Country-specific risk changes could lower funding - LCP
[17:00 CEST 22-05] GLOBAL – Companies with pension arrangements in several countries have been advised by Lane, Clark & Peacock to consider potential changes to funding levels and terms at local schemes based on the overall benefit it will bring to the company, and look at shifting from one country to another if it will lower the overall risk pressures.
Public sector reform to boost Romanian pensions
ROMANIA – Second pillar pensions funds in Romania could see a significant boost to membership in the coming years, according to pension experts, as the government is introducing reforms to cut its budget deficit which include reducing the non-contributory pensions for some public sector workers.
Norway-Global to get new CIO
[16:45 CEST 21-05] NORWAY – The giant Norwegian sovereign pension fund could soon have a new CIO as Norges Bank Investment Management is searching for a new chief investment officer, chief risk officer and chief treasurer.