All articles by Julie Henderson – Page 37
Credit crunch cost $3-4trn – JP Morgan
[14:30 CET 18-02] GLOBAL – JP Morgan officials say investment market turbulence sparked by the US subprime housing crisis may already have cost in excess of $3trn (€2.04trn) in lost credit and warn there could be more to come under tightened credit pricing.
LPFA considers 'market-neutral' pensions strategy
[13:30 CET 15-02] UK – London Pension Funds Authority officers are hoping to shift the strategy of its pension assets to a more market-neutral position, and may opt for a larger allocation to infrastructure.
Absolute returns needs lower fees - Watson Wyatt
[11:00 CET 13-02] EUROPE – Pension funds and asset owners who want to generate alpha from absolute return investments need to toughen up their "procurement skills" and push asset managers to cut costs, according to consultancy Watson Wyatt.
ATP seeks approval for "innovative" DC guarantee
[14:00 CET 11-02] DENMARK – ATP, Denmark’s largest pension fund, is hoping to gain approval from the Danish parliament next month to launch an “innovative” new defined contribution pension product which has a level of guaranteed return on contributions at no extra cost, but also generates higher potential investment returns.
Beenen leaves PGGM for Mercer
[17:17 CET 08-02] NETHERLANDS – Head of Alternative Beta, Jelle Beenen, is leaving in April PGGM to start work with Mercer as head of investment strategies consulting.
Avon PF to place 1/8th in multi- manager property
[16:55 CET 08-02] UK – Bath and North East Somerset Council is looking to alter the asset allocation strategy and passive equity holdings of the Avon pension fund, to accommodate diversification into UK and global real estate.
Editorial: Accounting reforms replace Solvency II woes
[16:30 CET 08-02] EDITORIAL: At a time when pension funds are already having to work hard to meet pensions liabilities, the arrival of new disclosure requirement “proposals” from the Accounting Standards Board could further increase the pressure on all European pension funds, and not just those based in the ...
EC unlikely to risk pensions closures with Solvency II
[13:00 CET 08-02] EUROPE – The European Commission has given its strongest indication yet Solvency II rules are unlikely to be applied to pension funds, as officials acknowledge heightened capital and asset allocation requirements on pensions funds could lead to the closure of defined benefit pension schemes.
Accounting "reveals BT surplus as £7.6bn deficit"
[16:45 CET 07-02] UK – BT has been described as “the UK’s largest pension scheme which happens to own a telecoms network”, as new figures suggest its true liabilities under proposed accounting and regulatory rules could stretch to £46bn (€61.4bn).
Pensions Board unveils support service providers
[12:30 CET 05-02] IRELAND - The Irish Pensions Board has unveiled two lists of 10 companies it will use in the future to provide actuarial consultancy as well as policy and economic research services.
Invesco Perpetual withdraws from DC
[16:00 CET 04-02] UK – Invesco Perpetual is pulling out of the market as a provider of defined contribution (DC) pension plans, after signing a deal to transfer its full service DC business to Threadneedle Investments.
Getting the message across
Bridging the communications gap between provider and member is a difficult task, Julie Henderson finds
Northern Trust raises LDI benchmark offering
[16:45 CET 31-01] GLOBAL – Northern Trust is unveiling analytical services for existing custody clients which allows them to create unique liability benchmarking specifically tracking a pension fund’s assets, and which will soon allow funds to ‘stress test’ their strategies.
Markets hit early PensionDanmark return
[16:00 CET 31-01] DENMARK - Danish labour market pension scheme PensionDanmark beat its benchmark with a 2.6% return on investments for 2007, thanks to strong performances from private equity and real estate, but officials admit returns in January have been hit by market turbulence.
Review to study pension funds' ESG integration
[16:45 CET 30-01] GLOBAL - Responsible Investor and Investment & Pensions Europe Magazine (IPE) have teamed up to launch RI Landscape 2008, one of the widest ever global surveys of institutional investors and asset managers over how they are integrating environmental, social and governance issues (ESG) into their practices.
Enfield pension fund seeks custody (amended)
[15:30 CET 29-01] UK – The London Borough of Enfield is reviewing the custody arrangements for its £550m (€700m) pension fund.
UBS and Schroders sacked for poor performance
[13:00 CET 29-01] UK – Cambridgeshire County Council’s pension fund has dropped Schroders and UBS for underperformance and is now seeking new equity managers to look after half of its assets.
Islamic investor quest for diversified reviews
[16:15 CET 28-01] MIDDLE EAST – The Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investments and Export Credits is conducting a review of potential providers for Shariah-compliant investments in 11 different sectors.
Specialist climate change fund unveiled
[16:45 CET 25-01] EUROPE – A fund has been launched which allows institutional investors and pension funds to invest specifically in companies focused on climate change.
Market turbulence hits PFZW return (amended)
[16:40 CET 25-01] NETHERLANDS – PFZW, the Netherlands’ second-largest pension fund, achieved a positive return in 2007 for the €88bn pension fund, but suffered a negative return of –0.4% in Q4 because of the market shift and its impact on liability hedging.