All articles by Julie Henderson – Page 47

  • News

    S&P takes indexing to a new frontier


    [16:30 CEST 08-08] GLOBAL – Standard & Poor’s, the ratings agency, is attempting to plug a gap in the extreme emerging markets index space with the launch of a benchmark covering “frontier market” companies based in countries such as Zimbabwe and Kazakhstan.

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    Irish finances lifted by NPRF in 2006


    [17:00 CEST 07-08] IRELAND – Strong gains for the National Pensions Reserve Fund (NPRF) and an eventual budget surplus meant Irish state finances were better off by €7bn more than expected last year, the National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA) has suggested.

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    Assumed solvency improves on market gains


    [15:00 CEST 07-08] EUROPE - Pension fund solvency significantly improved in the first six months of this year in three European countries but may now have been hit by market losses, suggests research from Lehman Brothers.

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    Robeco beats F&C to 130/30 Europe


    [11:00 CEST 07-08] NETHERLANDS - Robeco is launching a ‘short-extension’ European equities fund which promises a “high return” by making extended use of derivatives.

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    PRSAs jump the €1bn hurdle


    [14:00 CEST 06-08] IRELAND – Assets held in Irish Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs) have now crossed the £1bn mark, according to the latest figures from the Pensions Board.

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    Market gains could reduce cash funding


    [16:00 CEST 03-08] UK – Financial directors are being advised to review their funding deficits as improved market conditions may have reduced the level of contributions now required.

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    FRR loses its CIO


    [15:30 CEST 03-08] FRANCE – Jean-Louis Nakamura is leaving the Fonds de Reserve (FRR) pension fund to head up the French civil service pension fund.

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    ICI disputes pensions longevity financing


    [13:00 CEST 03-08] UK – ICI and pension fund trustees are in disagreement about the level of funding required to support the longevity risk of its main pension scheme.

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    Stanlib targets African growth


    [16:45 CEST 31-07] EUROPE – South African asset manager Stanlib is moving into the European institutional market with the launch of two funds tapping the growth potential of African equities.

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    Ruling reduces ‘wind-up’ member priority


    [17:00 CEST 27-07] UK - The Court of Appeal has overturned an earlier ruling stating defined benefit pension scheme accruals falling under the “Barber Window Service” should be given priority when an underfunded scheme is in wind-up.

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    FSD recipient appeals TPR findings


    [14:00 CEST 27-07] UK – Sea Containers LTD has lodged a formal appeal against the decision by The Pensions Regulator (TPR) to impose a Financial Support Direction (FSD) on the firm regarding its pension schemes.

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    Deregulatory review proposes surplus rule change


    [16:45 CEST 25-07] UK – Legislation should be changed to allow pension funds to return surplus funding to sponsoring employers where conditions meet the scheme’s funding target, suggest the findings of a deregulatory review.

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    Life insurers’ merger will see RAM takeover by F&C


    [13:55 CEST 25-07] EUROPE – F&C Asset Management has entered into due diligence for the potential takeover of UK-based Resolution Asset Management.

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    TPR reveals trustees act on pension fund breaches


    [16:55 CEST 24-07] UK – The Pensions Regulator (TPR) received over 1200 notifications of pension fund rule breaches from trustees last year, according to its latest annual report.

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    CEE pension reform fuelled growth despite IORP – Allianz


    [16:45 CEST 24-07] EUROPE – Central European governments are coping better than expected with the pressures of meeting long-term pension liabilities considering the EU’s Institutions for Occupational Pensions (IORP) Directive is geared towards Western regimes, Allianz Global Investors has suggested.

  • News

    Actuarial data creates £20bn mortality rate “margin” - KPMG


    [15:30 CEST 24-07] UK – Differing mortality rate assumptions used by pension fund advisers could be contributing a “margin of error” in pension fund liabilities of around £20bn, suggests research.

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    Italy and Finland face dividend spotlight


    [12:30 CEST 24-07] EUROPE – The European Commission has taken its first steps towards action against the Italian and Finnish governments for imposing higher dividend taxes on overseas pension funds.

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    LPFA moves property from UTs to mandate


    [16:30 CEST 23-07] UK - The London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) has appointed ING Real Estate to manage a £150m (223m) global property mandate.

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    Suffolk signs three firms to handle £255m in equities


    [16:15 CEST 23-07] UK – Suffolk County Council Pension Fund has awarded three mandates to manage its equity investments, following a change in allocation strategy.

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    Alecta returns could bring lower premiums


    [15:00 CEST 23-07] SWEDEN – Alecta, the occupational pensions specialist, may reduce employer contribution premiums as improved returns in the first six months of this year have tipped its solvency ratio above the maximum required.